ExtrudeFeature.setThinExtrude Method

Parent Object: ExtrudeFeature
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeature.h>


Changes the extrude feature to be a thin extrude. This is only valid if the isThinExtrude property is False. If the extrusion is already a thin extrude, you can use the properties on the ExtrudeFeature to modify the thin extrude specific values.


"extrudeFeature_var" is a variable referencing an ExtrudeFeature object.
# Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeature_var.setThinExtrude(thinExtrudeWallLocationOne, thinExtrudeWallThicknessOne)

# Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeature_var.setThinExtrude(thinExtrudeWallLocationOne, thinExtrudeWallThicknessOne, thinExtrudeWallLocationTwo, thinExtrudeWallThicknessTwo)
"extrudeFeature_var" is a variable referencing an ExtrudeFeature object.

#include <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeature.h>

// Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeature_var->setThinExtrude(thinExtrudeWallLocationOne, thinExtrudeWallThicknessOne);

// Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeature_var->setThinExtrude(thinExtrudeWallLocationOne, thinExtrudeWallThicknessOne, thinExtrudeWallLocationTwo, thinExtrudeWallThicknessTwo);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if successful.


Name Type Description
thinExtrudeWallLocationOne ThinExtrudeWallLocation Specifies the position of the thin wall extrude with respect to the profile being extruded. This defines the direction for a single sided thin extrude or side one of a two-sided extrusion.
thinExtrudeWallThicknessOne ValueInput A ValueInput object that defines the thickness for a single sided thin extrude or side one of a two-sided extrusion .
thinExtrudeWallLocationTwo ThinExtrudeWallLocation Optional argument that specifies the position of side two of a two-sided extrusion. This argument is ignored for a single sided thin extrude.

This is an optional argument whose default value is ThinExtrudeWallLocation.Side1.
thinExtrudeWallThicknessTwo ValueInput Optional argument that is a ValueInput object that defines the thickness for side two of a two-sided extrusion. This argument is ignored for a single sided thin extrude.

This is an optional argument whose default value is null.


Introduced in version April 2021