FusionDocument.saveMilestone Method

Parent Object: FusionDocument
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Fusion/FusionDocument.h>


Saves the document as a new milestone. This method is not applicable when saving a document for the first time. In that case, you must use the SaveAs method. You can determine if a document has been saved by checking the value of the isSaved property.


Saving a document is not supported within any of the Command related events. When a command is running, a transaction is open, and saving a document cannot be transacted and, as a result, cannot be contained within a command transaction.


"fusionDocument_var" is a variable referencing a FusionDocument object.
returnValue = fusionDocument_var.saveMilestone(milestoneName, versionDescription)
"fusionDocument_var" is a variable referencing a FusionDocument object.

#include <Fusion/Fusion/FusionDocument.h>

returnValue = fusionDocument_var->saveMilestone(milestoneName, versionDescription);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if saving the document as a milestone was successful.


Name Type Description
milestoneName string The name of the milestone as seen in the data panel and Fusion web client. If an empty string is provided a default name will be used.
versionDescription string The description associated with the version. If an empty string is provided, a default description will be used.


Introduced in version March 2024