Parent Object: FusionUnitsManager Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Fusion/FusionUnitsManager.h>
Converts a value from one unit to another. The input and output unit specifiers must be compatible. For example, "in" (inches) and "cm" (centimeters) will work because they both define length. So Convert(1.5, "in", "ft") -> 0.125 Convert(1.5, unitsManager.defaultLengthUnits, "cm") -> depends on the current default distance units, with "mm" it gives 0.15 So Convert(1.5, "in", "kg") -> -1 and GetLastError returns ExpressionError (to denote error) So Convert(1, "in", "internalUnits") -> 2.54 So Convert(1, "internalUnits", "in") -> 0.3937...