GeometricConstraints.addCoincidentToSurface Method

Parent Object: GeometricConstraints
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Sketch/GeometricConstraints.h>


Creates a new coincident constraint between the sketch point and surface. This forces the point to lie on the surface.


"geometricConstraints_var" is a variable referencing a GeometricConstraints object.
returnValue = geometricConstraints_var.addCoincidentToSurface(point, surface)
"geometricConstraints_var" is a variable referencing a GeometricConstraints object.

#include <Fusion/Sketch/GeometricConstraints.h>

returnValue = geometricConstraints_var->addCoincidentToSurface(point, surface);

Return Value

Type Description
CoincidentToSurfaceConstraint Returns the newly created CoincidentToSurfaceConstraint object or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
point SketchPoint The SketchPoint to constrain to the surface.
surface Base The BRepFace or ConstructionPlane the point will be coincident to.


Introduced in version September 2023