LoftSection.setPointTangentEndCondition Method

Parent Object: LoftSection
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/LoftSection.h>


Set the end condition to a tangent condition in the case where the section is a point.

If this LoftSection object is associated with a created feature, you need to position the timeline marker to immediately before this feature. This can be accomplished using the following code: thisFeature.timelineObject.rollTo(True)


"loftSection_var" is a variable referencing a LoftSection object.
returnValue = loftSection_var.setPointTangentEndCondition(weight)
"loftSection_var" is a variable referencing a LoftSection object.

#include <Fusion/Features/LoftSection.h>

returnValue = loftSection_var->setPointTangentEndCondition(weight);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the operation was successful.


Name Type Description
weight ValueInput Input ValueInput object that defines the weight or the amount of influence of end condition on the loft. This defaults to a value of 1.0. If the ValueInput object is a string it must be an valid expression that can be evaluated as a unitless value. In any case, the value must be greater than 0.


Introduced in version August 2016