Manufacturing Workflow API Sample


Manufacturing Workflow API Sample

This sample script starts by creating a simple component which is then used to describe a milling workflow. It creates a setup, a few operations, pick some tools from a Fusion sample tool library using loops and queries and ends up post-processing the operations out using an NC Program.

Code Samples

#include <Core/CoreAll.h>
#include <Fusion/FusionAll.h>
#include <Cam/CamAll.h>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace adsk::fusion;
using namespace adsk::cam;

 * Some constants used in the script
// We assume we are cutting Aluminum here...

// Milling tool library to get tools from
const std::string MILLING_TOOL_LIBRARY = "Milling Tools (Metric)";

// Some material properties for feed and speed calculation
const int ALUMINUM_CUTTING_SPEED = 300;     // mm/min
const double ALUMINUM_FEED_PER_TOOTH = 0.1; // mm/tooth

// some tool preset name (which we know exists for the selected tools)
const std::string ALUMINUM_PRESET_ROUGHING = "alu* rou*";
const std::string ALUMINUM_PRESET_FINISHING = "Aluminum - Finishing";

// Some tool types used in this script
const std::string BULL_NOSE_END_MILL = "bull nose end mill";
const std::string BALL_END_MILL = "ball end mill";
const std::string FACE_MILL = "face mill";

// Setup work coordinate system (WCS) location
const std::string TOP_CENTER = "top center";
const std::string TOP_XMIN_YMIN = "top 1";
const std::string TOP_XMAX_YMIN = "top 2";
const std::string TOP_XMIN_YMAX = "top 3";
const std::string TOP_XMAX_YMAX = "top 4";
const std::string TOP_SIDE_YMIN = "top side 1";
const std::string TOP_SIDE_XMAX = "top side 2";
const std::string TOP_SIDE_YMAX = "top side 3";
const std::string TOP_SIDE_XMIN = "top side 4";
const std::string CENTER = "center";
const std::string MIDDLE_XMIN_YMIN = "middle 1";
const std::string MIDDLE_XMAX_YMIN = "middle 2";
const std::string MIDDLE_XMIN_YMAX = "middle 3";
const std::string MIDDLE_XMAX_YMAX = "middle 4";
const std::string MIDDLE_SIDE_YMIN = "middle side 1";
const std::string MIDDLE_SIDE_XMAX = "middle side 2";
const std::string MIDDLE_SIDE_YMAX = "middle side 3";
const std::string MIDDLE_SIDE_XMIN = "middle side 4";
const std::string BOTTOM_CENTER = "bottom center";
const std::string BOTTOM_XMIN_YMIN = "bottom 1";
const std::string BOTTOM_XMAX_YMIN = "bottom 2";
const std::string BOTTOM_XMIN_YMAX = "bottom 3";
const std::string BOTTOM_XMAX_YMAX = "bottom 4";
const std::string BOTTOM_SIDE_YMIN = "bottom side 1";
const std::string BOTTOM_SIDE_XMAX = "bottom side 2";
const std::string BOTTOM_SIDE_YMAX = "bottom side 3";
const std::string BOTTOM_SIDE_XMIN = "bottom side 4";

const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

std::vector<std::string> getLibrariesURLs(Ptr<ToolLibraries> libraries, Ptr<URL> url);
std::vector<Ptr<Tool>> getToolsFromLibraryByTypeDiameterRangeAndMinFluteLength(
    Ptr<ToolLibrary> toolLibrary,
    std::string tooltype,
    double minDiameter,
    double maxDiameter,
    double minimumFluteLength = 0.0);
Ptr<BRepBody> createSamplePart(Ptr<Design> design);

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
     * initialisation
    Ptr<Application> app = Application::get();
    Ptr<UserInterface> ui = app->userInterface();

    // create a new empty document
    Ptr<Document> doc = app->documents()->add(DocumentTypes::FusionDesignDocumentType);

    // get the design document used to create the sample part
    Ptr<Design> design = app->activeProduct();

    // switch to manufacturing space
    Ptr<Workspace> camWS = ui->workspaces()->itemById("CAMEnvironment");

    // get the CAM product
    Ptr<Products> products = doc->products();

     * create sample part

    Ptr<BRepBody> part = createSamplePart(design);

     * select cutting tools

    // get the tool libraries from the library manager
    Ptr<CAMManager> camManager = CAMManager::get();
    Ptr<CAMLibraryManager> libraryManager = camManager->libraryManager();
    Ptr<ToolLibraries> toolLibraries = libraryManager->toolLibraries();

    Ptr<URL> url;
    const bool useHardCodedUrl = false;
    if (useHardCodedUrl)
        // we could use a library URl directly if we know its address
        std::string libUrl = "systemlibraryroot://Samples/Milling Tools (Metric).json";
        url = URL::create(libUrl);
        // or we can use the tool library objects
        // fusion folder in the tool library
        Ptr<URL> fusionFolder = toolLibraries->urlByLocation(LibraryLocations::Fusion360LibraryLocation);
        std::vector<std::string> fusionLibs = getLibrariesURLs(toolLibraries, fusionFolder);
        // search the required library url in the libraries
        for (std::string& libUrl : fusionLibs)
            if (libUrl.find(MILLING_TOOL_LIBRARY) != std::string::npos)
                url = URL::create(libUrl);

    // load tool library
    Ptr<ToolLibrary> toolLibrary = toolLibraries->toolLibraryAtURL(url);
    if (!toolLibrary)
        ui->messageBox("Failed to load tool library");
        return false;

    // create some variables to host the milling tools which will be used in the operations
    Ptr<Tool> faceTool;
    Ptr<Tool> adaptiveTool;
    Ptr<Tool> finishingTool;

    // searchig the face mill and the bull nose using a loop for the roughing operations
    for (Ptr<Tool> tool : toolLibrary)
        // read the tool type
        Ptr<ChoiceParameterValue> toolTypeParameter = tool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_type")->value();
        std::string toolType = toolTypeParameter->value();

        if (toolType == FACE_MILL && !faceTool)
            // select the first face tool found
            faceTool = tool;
        else if (toolType == BULL_NOSE_END_MILL && !adaptiveTool)
            // search the roughing tool
            // we look for a buul nose end mill tool larger or equal to 12mm but less than 14mm
            Ptr<FloatParameterValue> diameterParameter = tool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_diameter")->value();
            double diameter = diameterParameter->value();
            if (diameter >= 1.2 && diameter < 1.4)
                adaptiveTool = tool;

        // exit when the 2 tools are found
        if (faceTool && adaptiveTool)

    if (!faceTool)
        ui->messageBox("No face mill tool found");
        return false;
    if (!adaptiveTool)
        ui->messageBox("No bull nose end mill tool found");
        return false;

    // searching a ball end mill tool with diameter between 6 mm and 10 mm with a minimum flute length of 20.001mm,
    // using a query
    std::vector<Ptr<Tool>> finishingTools =
        getToolsFromLibraryByTypeDiameterRangeAndMinFluteLength(toolLibrary, BALL_END_MILL, 0.6, 1, 2.0001);

    // for this example, we select the first tool found as our finishing tool
    if (finishingTools.size() == 0)
        ui->messageBox("No ball end mill tool found");
        return false;
    finishingTool = finishingTools[0];

     * create setup
    Ptr<CAM> cam = products->itemByProductType("CAMProductType");
    Ptr<Setups> setups = cam->setups();
    Ptr<SetupInput> setupInput = setups->createInput(OperationTypes::MillingOperation);
    // create a list for the models to add to the setup Input
    std::vector<Ptr<Base>> models;
    // add the part to the model list
    // pass the model list to the setup input
    // create the setup and set some properties
    Ptr<Setup> setup = setups->add(setupInput);
    setup->name("CAM Automation Script Sample");
    // set offset mode
    // set offset stock side
    setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockOffsetSides")->expression("0 mm");
    // set offset stock top
    setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockOffsetTop")->expression("1 mm");
    // set setup origin
    Ptr<ChoiceParameterValue> wcs_origin = setup->parameters()->itemByName("wcs_origin_boxPoint")->value();

     * face operations
    // calculate feed and speed for face operation
    Ptr<FloatParameterValue> toolDiameterParameter = faceTool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_diameter")->value();
    double toolDiameter = toolDiameterParameter->value(); // cm
    Ptr<IntegerParameterValue> numberOfFlutesParameter =
    int numberOfFlutes = numberOfFlutesParameter->value();                            // int
    double spindleSpeed = ALUMINUM_CUTTING_SPEED / PI / (toolDiameter * 10) * 1000;   // rpm
    double cuttingFeedrate = spindleSpeed * ALUMINUM_FEED_PER_TOOTH * numberOfFlutes; // mm/min

    // create a preset with those calculated feeds
    Ptr<ToolPreset> facePreset = faceTool->presets()->add();
    facePreset->name("Aluminum (set by script)");
    Ptr<FloatParameterValue> tool_spindleSpeed = facePreset->parameters()->itemByName("tool_spindleSpeed")->value();
        ->expression(std::to_string(int(cuttingFeedrate)) + " mm/min");

    // create a face operation input
    Ptr<OperationInput> input = setup->operations()->createInput("face");
    input->toolPreset(facePreset); // assign created preset
    input->displayName("Face Operation");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.01 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("stepover")->expression("0.75 * tool_diameter");

    // determine pass angle along largest part dimension
    // get stock box dimensions in cm
    Ptr<FloatParameterValue> stockXParameter = setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockInfoDimensionX")->value();
    double stockX = stockXParameter->value();
    Ptr<FloatParameterValue> stockYParameter = setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockInfoDimensionY")->value();
    double stockY = stockYParameter->value();
    // determine pass angle to be along largest length (X or Y) of the block
    if (stockX >= stockY)
        input->parameters()->itemByName("passAngle")->expression("0 deg");
        input->parameters()->itemByName("passAngle")->expression("90 deg");

    // add the operation to the setup
    Ptr<OperationBase> faceOp = setup->operations()->add(input);

     * adaptive operations
    input = setup->operations()->createInput("adaptive");
    input->displayName("Adaptive Roughing");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.1 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("maximumStepdown")->expression("5 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("fineStepdown")->expression("0.25 * maximumStepdown");

    // look if there is a tool preset related to aluminum roughing
    std::vector<Ptr<ToolPreset>> presets = adaptiveTool->presets()->itemsByName(ALUMINUM_PRESET_ROUGHING);
    if (presets.size() > 0)
        // we pick and use the first preset found
        Ptr<ToolPreset> adaptivePreset = presets[0];

    // add the operation to the setup
    Ptr<OperationBase> adaptiveOp = setup->operations()->add(input);

     * finishing tool preset
    // get a tool preset from the finishing tool
    Ptr<ToolPreset> finishingPreset;
    presets = finishingTool->presets()->itemsByName(ALUMINUM_PRESET_FINISHING);
    if (presets.size() > 0)
        // use the first aluminum finishing preset found
        finishingPreset = presets[0];

     * parallel operations
    input = setup->operations()->createInput("parallel");
    input->displayName("Parallel Finishing");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.01 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("cuspHeightStepover")->expression("0.005 mm");
    if (finishingPreset)
        // assign the finishig tool preset

    // add the operation to the setup
    Ptr<OperationBase> parallelOp = setup->operations()->add(input);

    // lets use a contour for the sake of demonstration
    Ptr<BRepEdge> limitEdge;
    for (Ptr<BRepEdge> e : part->edges())
        // this is the inner one: intersection of a plane and a sphere making up a circle
        if (e->geometry()->curveType() == Curve3DTypes::Circle3DCurveType)
            limitEdge = e;

    if (limitEdge)
        // apply the limits edge to the operation
        Ptr<CadContours2dParameterValue> cadcontours2dParam =
        Ptr<CurveSelections> chains = cadcontours2dParam->getCurveSelections();
        Ptr<ChainSelection> chain = chains->createNewChainSelection();

     * steep and shallow operations
    // Create folder for finishing operations that require Machining Extension
    Ptr<OperationInput> operationInput = setup->operations()->createInput("folder");
    operationInput->displayName("Machining Extension Required");
    Ptr<CAMFolder> folder = setup->operations()->add(operationInput);

    // Create steep and shallow operation in the folder
    input = setup->operations()->createInput("steep_and_shallow");
    input->displayName("Steep and Shallow Finishing");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.01 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("cuspHeightStepdown")->expression("0.005 mm");
    if (finishingPreset)
        // assign the finishig tool preset

    // add the operation to the folder
    Ptr<OperationBase> steepAndShallowOp = folder->operations()->add(input);

    // check if this toolpath is generatable ("steep_and_shallow" required the manufacturing extension)
    bool isSteepAndShallowGeneratable = false;
    for (Ptr<OperationStrategy> op : setup->operations()->compatibleStrategies())
        if (op->name() == "steep_and_shallow")
            if (op->isGenerationAllowed())
                // isGenerationAllowed will be false if the extension isn"t active which prevent from generating the
                // steep_and_shallow operation
                isSteepAndShallowGeneratable = true;

     * generate operations
    // list the valid operations to generate
    Ptr<ObjectCollection> operations = ObjectCollection::create();
    if (isSteepAndShallowGeneratable)

    // create progress bar
    Ptr<ProgressDialog> progressDialog = ui->createProgressDialog();
    progressDialog->show("Generating operations->()..", "%p%", 0, 100);
    adsk::doEvents(); // allow Fusion to update so the progressDialog show up nicely

    // generate the valid operations
    Ptr<GenerateToolpathFuture> gtf = cam->generateToolpath(operations);

    // wait for the generation to be finished and update progress bar
    while (!gtf->isGenerationCompleted())
        // calculate progress and update progress bar
        int total = gtf->numberOfOperations();
        int completed = gtf->numberOfCompleted();
        int progress = int(completed * 100 / total);
        adsk::doEvents(); // allow Fusion to update so the screen doesn"t freeze

    // generation done

     * ncProgram and post-processing
    // get the post library from library manager
    Ptr<PostLibrary> postLibrary = libraryManager->postLibrary();

    // query post library to get postprocessor list
    Ptr<PostConfigurationQuery> postQuery = postLibrary->createQuery(LibraryLocations::Fusion360LibraryLocation);
    std::vector<Ptr<PostConfiguration>> postConfigs = postQuery->execute();

    // find the "XYZ" post in the post library and import it to local library
    Ptr<URL> importedURL;
    for (Ptr<PostConfiguration> config : postConfigs)
        if (config->description() == "XYZ")
            Ptr<URL> _url = URL::create("user://");
            importedURL = postLibrary->importPostConfiguration(config, _url, "NCProgramSamplePost.cps");

    // get the imported local post config
    Ptr<PostConfiguration> postConfig = postLibrary->postConfigurationAtURL(importedURL);

    // create NCProgramInput object
    Ptr<NCProgramInput> ncInput = cam->ncPrograms()->createInput();
    ncInput->displayName("NC Program Sample");

    // change some nc program parameters...
    Ptr<CAMParameters> ncParameters = ncInput->parameters();
    std::string programName = "NCProgramSample";
    Ptr<StringParameterValue> nc_program_filename = ncParameters->itemByName("nc_program_filename")->value();
    Ptr<BooleanParameterValue> nc_program_openInEditor = ncParameters->itemByName("nc_program_openInEditor")->value();

    // set temp directory as output directory
    std::string outputFolder = cam->temporaryFolder();
    Ptr<StringParameterValue> nc_program_output_folder = ncParameters->itemByName("nc_program_output_folder")->value();

    // select the operations to generate (we skip steep_and_shallow here)
    ncInput->operations({faceOp, adaptiveOp, parallelOp});

    // add a new ncprogram from the ncprogram input
    Ptr<NCProgram> newProgram = cam->ncPrograms()->add(ncInput);

    // set post processor

    // change some post parameter
    Ptr<CAMParameters> postParameters = newProgram->postParameters();
    Ptr<FloatParameterValue> builtin_tolerance = postParameters->itemByName("builtin_tolerance")->value();
    builtin_tolerance->value(0.02); // NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units)
    Ptr<FloatParameterValue> builtin_minimumChordLength =
        0.33); // NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units)

    // update/apply post parameters

    // set post options, by default post process only valid operations containing toolpath data
    Ptr<NCProgramPostProcessOptions> postOptions = NCProgramPostProcessOptions::create();
    // postOptions.PostProcessExecutionBehaviors =

    // post-process

    // Show output folder.
        "Post processing is complete. The results have been written to:\n" + outputFolder + "/" + programName + ".nc");

    return true;

 * Some functions to make our life easier

std::vector<std::string> getLibrariesURLs(Ptr<ToolLibraries> libraries, Ptr<URL> url)
    /**  Return the list of libraries URL in the specified library  */
    std::vector<std::string> urls;
    std::vector<Ptr<URL>> libs = libraries->childAssetURLs(url);
    for (auto& elem : libs)
    for (Ptr<URL> folder : libraries->childFolderURLs(url))
        std::vector<std::string> folderUrls = getLibrariesURLs(libraries, folder);
        urls.insert(urls.end(), folderUrls.begin(), folderUrls.end());
    return urls;

std::vector<Ptr<Tool>> getToolsFromLibraryByTypeDiameterRangeAndMinFluteLength(
    Ptr<ToolLibrary> toolLibrary,
    std::string tooltype,
    double minDiameter,
    double maxDiameter,
    double minimumFluteLength)
    /**  Return a list of tools that fits the search  */
    Ptr<ToolQuery> query = toolLibrary->createQuery();
    // set the search critera
    query->criteria()->add("tool_type", ValueInput::createByString(tooltype));
    query->criteria()->add("tool_diameter.min", ValueInput::createByReal(minDiameter));
    query->criteria()->add("tool_diameter.max", ValueInput::createByReal(maxDiameter));
    if (minimumFluteLength)
        query->criteria()->add("tool_fluteLength.min", ValueInput::createByReal(minimumFluteLength));
    // get query results
    std::vector<Ptr<ToolQueryResult>> results = query->execute();
    // get the tools from the query
    std::vector<Ptr<Tool>> tools;
    // a result has a tool, url, toollibrary and the index of the tool in that library: we just return the tool here
    for (auto& elem : results)
    return tools;

 * CAD creation

Ptr<BRepBody> createBox(Ptr<Design> design, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ);
Ptr<BRepBody> createSphere(Ptr<Design> design, Ptr<Vector3D> origin, double radius);
Ptr<BRepBody> getBodyFromBooleanOperation(Ptr<Design> design, Ptr<BRepBody> body1, Ptr<BRepBody> body2);

Ptr<BRepBody> createSamplePart(Ptr<Design> design)
    // Creates the sample part for this script
    Ptr<BRepBody> box = createBox(design, 22, 15, 5);
    Ptr<BRepBody> sphere = createSphere(design, Vector3D::create(0, 0, 10), 7.5);
    Ptr<BRepBody> part = getBodyFromBooleanOperation(design, box, sphere);
    return part;

Ptr<BRepBody> createBox(Ptr<Design> design, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ)
    // Creates a sample box
    Ptr<Component> component = design->rootComponent();
    // Create sketch
    Ptr<Sketches> sketches = component->sketches();
    Ptr<Sketch> sketch = sketches->add(component->xYConstructionPlane());
    Ptr<SketchLines> lines = sketch->sketchCurves()->sketchLines();
    Ptr<SketchLineList> recLines = lines->addTwoPointRectangle(
        Point3D::create(-sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0), Point3D::create(sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0));
    Ptr<Profile> prof = sketch->profiles()->item(0);
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeatures> extrudes = component->features()->extrudeFeatures();
    Ptr<ValueInput> distance = ValueInput::createByReal(sizeZ);
    Ptr<ExtrudeFeature> ext = extrudes->addSimple(prof, distance, FeatureOperations::NewBodyFeatureOperation);
    return ext->bodies()->item(0);

Ptr<BRepBody> createSphere(Ptr<Design> design, Ptr<Vector3D> origin, double radius)
    // Creates a sample sphere
    Ptr<Component> component = design->rootComponent();
    // Create a new sketch on the xy plane.
    Ptr<Sketches> sketches = component->sketches();
    Ptr<ConstructionPlane> xyPlane = component->xYConstructionPlane();
    Ptr<Sketch> sketch = sketches->add(component->xYConstructionPlane());
    // Draw a circle.
    Ptr<SketchCircles> circles = sketch->sketchCurves()->sketchCircles();
    Ptr<SketchCircle> circle = circles->addByCenterRadius(Point3D::create(0, 0, 0), radius);
    // Draw a line to use as the axis of revolution.
    Ptr<SketchLines> lines = sketch->sketchCurves()->sketchLines();
    Ptr<SketchLine> axisLine = lines->addByTwoPoints(Point3D::create(-radius, 0, 0), Point3D::create(radius, 0, 0));
    // Get the profile defined by half of the circle.
    Ptr<Profile> prof = sketch->profiles()->item(0);
    // Create an revolution input to be able to define the input needed for a revolution
    // while specifying the profile and that a new component is to be created
    Ptr<RevolveFeatures> revolves = component->features()->revolveFeatures();
    Ptr<RevolveFeatureInput> revInput =
        revolves->createInput(prof, axisLine, FeatureOperations::NewComponentFeatureOperation);
    // Define that the extent is an angle of 2*pi to get a sphere
    Ptr<ValueInput> angle = ValueInput::createByReal(2 * PI);
    revInput->setAngleExtent(false, angle);
    // Create the extrusion.
    Ptr<RevolveFeature> ext = revolves->add(revInput);
    // Get the root component
    Ptr<Component> rootComp = design->rootComponent();
    // Get the first Occurrence
    Ptr<Occurrences> occs = rootComp->occurrences();
    Ptr<Occurrence> occ = occs->item(0);
    Ptr<Matrix3D> mat = occ->transform();
    // Matrix translation
    // set transform
    // snapshot - Determining the position is important!!!
    Ptr<BRepBody> body = ext->bodies()->item(0);
    return body;

Ptr<BRepBody> getBodyFromBooleanOperation(Ptr<Design> design, Ptr<BRepBody> body1, Ptr<BRepBody> body2)
    // Creates a boolean operation between two bodies
    Ptr<Component> model = design->activeComponent();
    Ptr<Features> features = model->features();
    Ptr<ObjectCollection> bodyCollection = ObjectCollection::create();
    Ptr<CombineFeatures> combineFeatures = features->combineFeatures();
    Ptr<CombineFeatureInput> combineFeatureInput = combineFeatures->createInput(body1, bodyCollection);
    Ptr<CombineFeature> returnValue = combineFeatures->add(combineFeatureInput);
    Ptr<BRepBody> part = returnValue->bodies()->item(0);
    return part;
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion,, traceback
import math
import os
from enum import Enum

#################### Some constants used in the script ####################
# We assume we are cutting Aluminum here...

# Milling tool library to get tools from
MILLING_TOOL_LIBRARY = 'Milling Tools (Metric)'

# Some material properties for feed and speed calculation
ALUMINUM_FEED_PER_TOOTH = 0.1 # mm/tooth

# some tool preset name (which we know exists for the selected tools)
ALUMINUM_PRESET_FINISHING = 'Aluminum - Finishing'

#################### Some useful enumerators ####################
# Some tool types used in this script (enumerator)
class ToolType(Enum):
    BULL_NOSE_END_MILL = 'bull nose end mill'
    BALL_END_MILL = 'ball end mill'
    FACE_MILL = 'face mill'

# Setup work coordinate system (WCS) location (enumerator)
class SetupWCSPoint(Enum):
    TOP_CENTER = 'top center'
    TOP_XMIN_YMIN = 'top 1'
    TOP_XMAX_YMIN = 'top 2'
    TOP_XMIN_YMAX = 'top 3'
    TOP_XMAX_YMAX = 'top 4'
    TOP_SIDE_YMIN = 'top side 1'
    TOP_SIDE_XMAX = 'top side 2'
    TOP_SIDE_YMAX = 'top side 3'
    TOP_SIDE_XMIN = 'top side 4'
    CENTER = 'center'
    MIDDLE_XMIN_YMIN = 'middle 1'
    MIDDLE_XMAX_YMIN = 'middle 2'
    MIDDLE_XMIN_YMAX = 'middle 3'
    MIDDLE_XMAX_YMAX = 'middle 4'
    MIDDLE_SIDE_YMIN = 'middle side 1'
    MIDDLE_SIDE_XMAX = 'middle side 2'
    MIDDLE_SIDE_YMAX = 'middle side 3'
    MIDDLE_SIDE_XMIN = 'middle side 4'
    BOTTOM_CENTER = 'bottom center'
    BOTTOM_XMIN_YMIN = 'bottom 1'
    BOTTOM_XMAX_YMIN = 'bottom 2'
    BOTTOM_XMIN_YMAX = 'bottom 3'
    BOTTOM_XMAX_YMAX = 'bottom 4'
    BOTTOM_SIDE_YMIN = 'bottom side 1'
    BOTTOM_SIDE_XMAX = 'bottom side 2'
    BOTTOM_SIDE_YMAX = 'bottom side 3'
    BOTTOM_SIDE_XMIN = 'bottom side 4'

#################### Script entry point ####################

def run(context):
    ui = None

        #################### initialisation #####################
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui  = app.userInterface
        # create a new empty document
        doc: adsk.core.Document = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType)

        # get the design document used to create the sample part
        design = app.activeProduct

        # switch to manufacturing space
        camWS = ui.workspaces.itemById('CAMEnvironment') 

        # get the CAM product
        products = doc.products

        #################### create sample part ####################

        part = createSamplePart(design)

        #################### select cutting tools ####################

        # get the tool libraries from the library manager
        camManager =
        libraryManager = camManager.libraryManager
        toolLibraries = libraryManager.toolLibraries

        url = None
        useHardCodedUrl = False
        if useHardCodedUrl:
            # we could use a library URl directly if we know its address
            libUrl = 'systemlibraryroot://Samples/Milling Tools (Metric).json'
            url = adsk.core.URL.create(libUrl)

            # or we can use the tool library objects
            # fusion folder in the tool library
            fusionFolder = toolLibraries.urlByLocation(
            fusionLibs = getLibrariesURLs(toolLibraries, fusionFolder)
            # search the required library url in the libraries
            for libUrl in fusionLibs:
                if MILLING_TOOL_LIBRARY in libUrl:
                    url = adsk.core.URL.create(libUrl)
        # load tool library
        toolLibrary = toolLibraries.toolLibraryAtURL(url)

        # create some variables to host the milling tools which will be used in the operations
        faceTool = None
        adaptiveTool = None
        finishingTool = None

        # searchig the face mill and the bull nose using a loop for the roughing operations
        for tool in toolLibrary:
            # read the tool type
            toolType = tool.parameters.itemByName('tool_type').value.value 
            # select the first face tool found
            if toolType == ToolType.FACE_MILL.value and not faceTool:
                faceTool = tool  
            # search the roughing tool
            elif toolType == ToolType.BULL_NOSE_END_MILL.value and not adaptiveTool:
                # we look for a buul nose end mill tool larger or equal to 12mm but less than 14mm
                diameter = tool.parameters.itemByName('tool_diameter').value.value
                if diameter >= 1.2 and diameter < 1.4: 
                    adaptiveTool = tool

            # exit when the 2 tools are found
            if faceTool and adaptiveTool:

        # searching a ball end mill tool with diameter between 6 mm and 10 mm with a minimum flute length of 20.001mm, using a query
        finishingTools = getToolsFromLibraryByTypeDiameterRangeAndMinFluteLength(toolLibrary, ToolType.BALL_END_MILL.value, 0.6, 1, 2.0001)

        # for this example, we select the first tool found as our finishing tool
        finishingTool = finishingTools[0]

        #################### create setup ####################
        cam ="CAMProductType"))
        setups = cam.setups
        setupInput = setups.createInput(
        # create a list for the models to add to the setup Input
        models = [] 
        # add the part to the model list
        # pass the model list to the setup input
        setupInput.models = models
        # create the setup and set some properties
        setup = setups.add(setupInput) = 'CAM Automation Script Sample'
        setup.stockMode =
        # set offset mode
        setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockOffsetMode').expression = "'simple'"
        # set offset stock side
        setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockOffsetSides').expression = '0 mm'
        # set offset stock top
        setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockOffsetTop').expression = '1 mm'
        # set setup origin
        setup.parameters.itemByName('wcs_origin_boxPoint').value.value = SetupWCSPoint.TOP_XMIN_YMIN.value

        #################### face operations ####################
        # calculate feed and speed for face operation
        toolDiameter = faceTool.parameters.itemByName('tool_diameter').value.value          # cm
        numberOfFlutes = faceTool.parameters.itemByName('tool_numberOfFlutes').value.value  # int
        spindleSpeed = ALUMINUM_CUTTING_SPEED / math.pi / (toolDiameter * 10) * 1000        # rpm
        cuttingFeedrate = spindleSpeed * ALUMINUM_FEED_PER_TOOTH * numberOfFlutes           # mm/min

        # create a preset with those calculated feeds
        facePreset = faceTool.presets.add() = 'Aluminum (set by script)'
        facePreset.parameters.itemByName('tool_spindleSpeed').value.value = int(spindleSpeed)
        facePreset.parameters.itemByName('tool_feedCutting').expression = str(int(cuttingFeedrate)) + ' mm/min'

        # create a face operation input
        input = setup.operations.createInput('face')
        input.tool = faceTool
        input.toolPreset = facePreset # assign created preset
        input.displayName = 'Face Operation'       
        input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.01 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('stepover').expression = '0.75 * tool_diameter'
        input.parameters.itemByName('direction').expression = "'climb'"

        # determine pass angle along largest part dimension
        # get stock box dimensions in cm
        stockX = setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockInfoDimensionX').value.value
        stockY = setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockInfoDimensionY').value.value
        # determine pass angle to be along largest length (X or Y) of the block
        if stockX >= stockY:
            input.parameters.itemByName('passAngle').expression = '0 deg' 
            input.parameters.itemByName('passAngle').expression = '90 deg'

        # add the operation to the setup
        faceOp = setup.operations.add(input)

        #################### adaptive operations ####################
        input = setup.operations.createInput('adaptive')
        input.tool = adaptiveTool
        input.displayName = 'Adaptive Roughing'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.1 mm' 
        input.parameters.itemByName('maximumStepdown').expression = '5 mm' 
        input.parameters.itemByName('fineStepdown').expression = '0.25 * maximumStepdown'
        input.parameters.itemByName('flatAreaMachining').expression = 'false'

        # look if there is a tool preset related to aluminum roughing
        presets = adaptiveTool.presets.itemsByName(ALUMINUM_PRESET_ROUGHING)
        if len(presets) > 0:
            # we pick and use the first preset found
            adaptivePreset = presets[0]
            input.toolPreset = adaptivePreset

        # add the operation to the setup
        adaptiveOp = setup.operations.add(input)

        #################### finishing tool preset ####################
        # get a tool preset from the finishing tool
        finishingPreset = None
        presets = finishingTool.presets.itemsByName(ALUMINUM_PRESET_FINISHING)
        if len(presets) > 0:
            # use the first aluminum finishing preset found
            finishingPreset = presets[0]

        #################### parallel operations ####################
        input = setup.operations.createInput('parallel')
        input.tool = finishingTool
        input.displayName = 'Parallel Finishing'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.01 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('cuspHeightStepover').expression = '0.005 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('boundaryMode').expression = "'selection'"
        if finishingPreset:
            # assign the finishig tool preset
            input.toolPreset = finishingPreset

        # add the operation to the setup
        parallelOp = setup.operations.add(input)

        # lets use a contour for the sake of demonstration
        limitEdge = None
        for e in part.edges:
            # this is the inner one: intersection of a plane and a sphere making up a circle
            if e.geometry.curveType == adsk.core.Curve3DTypes.Circle3DCurveType:
                limitEdge = e

        if limitEdge:
            # apply the limits edge to the operation
            cadcontours2dParam: = parallelOp.parameters.itemByName('machiningBoundarySel').value
            chains = cadcontours2dParam.getCurveSelections()
            chain = chains.createNewChainSelection()
            chain.inputGeometry = [limitEdge]

        #################### steep and shallow operations ####################
        # Create folder for finishing operations that require Machining Extension
        operationInput = setup.operations.createInput('folder')
        operationInput.displayName = 'Machining Extension Required'
        folder: = setup.operations.add(operationInput)

        # Create steep and shallow operation in the folder
        input = setup.operations.createInput('steep_and_shallow')
        input.tool = finishingTool
        input.displayName = 'Steep and Shallow Finishing'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.01 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('useAvoidFlats').expression = 'true'
        input.parameters.itemByName('cuspHeightStepdown').expression = '0.005 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('cuspHeightStepover').expression = 'cuspHeightStepdown'
        input.parameters.itemByName('spiral').expression = 'true'
        input.parameters.itemByName('shallowSpiral').expression = 'true'
        input.parameters.itemByName('offsetSmoothing').expression = 'true'
        if finishingPreset:
            # assign the finishig tool preset
            input.toolPreset = finishingPreset

        # add the operation to the folder
        steepAndShallowOp = folder.operations.add(input)

        # check if this toolpath is generatable ("steep_and_shallow" required the manufacturing extension)
        isSteepAndShallowGeneratable = False
        for op in setup.operations.compatibleStrategies:
            if == 'steep_and_shallow':
                if op.isGenerationAllowed:
                    # isGenerationAllowed will be false if the extension isn't active which prevent from generating the steep_and_shallow operation
                    isSteepAndShallowGeneratable = True

        #################### generate operations ####################
        # list the valid operations to generate
        operations = adsk.core.ObjectCollection.create()
        if isSteepAndShallowGeneratable:

        # create progress bar
        progressDialog = ui.createProgressDialog()
        progressDialog.isCancelButtonShown = False'Generating operations...', '%p%', 0, 100)
        adsk.doEvents() # allow Fusion to update so the progressDialog show up nicely

        # generate the valid operations
        gtf = cam.generateToolpath(operations)

        # wait for the generation to be finished and update progress bar
        while not gtf.isGenerationCompleted:
            # calculate progress and update progress bar
            total = gtf.numberOfOperations
            completed = gtf.numberOfCompleted
            progress = int(completed * 100 / total)
            progressDialog.progressValue = progress
            adsk.doEvents() # allow Fusion to update so the screen doesn't freeze

        # generation done
        progressDialog.progressValue = 100

        #################### ncProgram and post-processing ####################
        # get the post library from library manager
        postLibrary = libraryManager.postLibrary

        # query post library to get postprocessor list
        postQuery = postLibrary.createQuery(
        postQuery.vendor = "Autodesk"
        postQuery.capability =
        postConfigs = postQuery.execute()

        # find the "XYZ" post in the post library and import it to local library
        for config in postConfigs:
            if config.description == 'XYZ':
                url = adsk.core.URL.create("user://")
                importedURL = postLibrary.importPostConfiguration(config, url, "NCProgramSamplePost.cps")

        # get the imported local post config
        postConfig = postLibrary.postConfigurationAtURL(importedURL)
        # create NCProgramInput object
        ncInput = cam.ncPrograms.createInput()
        ncInput.displayName = 'NC Program Sample'

        # change some nc program parameters...
        ncParameters = ncInput.parameters
        ncParameters.itemByName('nc_program_filename').value.value = 'NCProgramSample'
        ncParameters.itemByName('nc_program_openInEditor').value.value = True

        # set user desktop as output directory (Windows and Mac)
        # make the path valid for Fusion by replacing \\ to / in the path
        desktopDirectory = os.path.expanduser("~/Desktop").replace('\\', '/') 
        ncParameters.itemByName('nc_program_output_folder').value.value = desktopDirectory
        # select the operations to generate (we skip steep_and_shallow here)
        ncInput.operations = [faceOp, adaptiveOp, parallelOp]

        # add a new ncprogram from the ncprogram input
        newProgram = cam.ncPrograms.add(ncInput)

        # set post processor
        newProgram.postConfiguration = postConfig

        # change some post parameter
        postParameters = newProgram.postParameters
        postParameters.itemByName('builtin_tolerance').value.value = 0.01  # NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units)
        postParameters.itemByName('builtin_minimumChordLength').value.value = 0.33  # NcProgram parameters is pass as it is to the postprocessor (it has no units)

        # update/apply post parameters

        # set post options, by default post process only valid operations containing toolpath data
        postOptions =
        # postOptions.PostProcessExecutionBehaviors =

        # post-process
        if ui:

#################### Some functions to make our life easier ####################

def getLibrariesURLs(libraries:, url: adsk.core.URL):
    ''' Return the list of libraries URL in the specified library '''
    urls: list[str] = []
    libs = libraries.childAssetURLs(url)
    for lib in libs:
    for folder in libraries.childFolderURLs(url):
        urls = urls + getLibrariesURLs(libraries, folder)
    return urls

def getToolsFromLibraryByTypeDiameterRangeAndMinFluteLength(toolLibrary:, tooltype: str, minDiameter: float, maxDiameter: float, minimumFluteLength: float = None):
    ''' Return a list of tools that fits the search '''
    query = toolLibrary.createQuery()
    # set the search critera
    query.criteria.add('tool_type', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByString(tooltype))
    query.criteria.add('tool_diameter.min', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(minDiameter))
    query.criteria.add('tool_diameter.max', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(maxDiameter))
    if minimumFluteLength:
        query.criteria.add('tool_fluteLength.min', adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(minimumFluteLength))
    # get query results
    results = query.execute()
    # get the tools from the query
    tools: list[] = []
    for result in results:
        # a result has a tool, url, toollibrary and the index of the tool in that library: we just return the tool here
    return tools

#################### CAD creation ####################

def createSamplePart(design: adsk.fusion.Design) -> adsk.fusion.BRepBody:
    """ Creates the sample part for this script """
    box = createBox(design, 22, 15, 5)
    sphere = createSphere(design, adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0, 0, 10), 7.5)
    part = getBodyFromBooleanOperation(design, box, sphere)
    return part

def createBox(design: adsk.fusion.Design, sizeX: float, sizeY: float, sizeZ: float) -> adsk.fusion.BRepBody:
    ''' Creates a sample box'''
    component = design.rootComponent
    # Create sketch
    sketches = component.sketches
    sketch: adsk.fusion.Sketch = sketches.add(component.xYConstructionPlane)
    lines = sketch.sketchCurves.sketchLines
    recLines = lines.addTwoPointRectangle(adsk.core.Point3D.create(-sizeX / 2, -sizeY / 2, 0), adsk.core.Point3D.create(sizeX / 2, sizeY / 2, 0))
    prof = sketch.profiles.item(0)
    extrudes = component.features.extrudeFeatures
    distance = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(sizeZ)
    ext = extrudes.addSimple(prof, distance, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewBodyFeatureOperation)
    return ext.bodies.item(0)

def createSphere(design: adsk.fusion.Design, origin: adsk.core.Vector3D, radius: float) -> adsk.fusion.BRepBody:
    ''' Creates a sample sphere '''
    component = design.rootComponent
    # Create a new sketch on the xy plane.
    sketches = component.sketches
    xyPlane = component.xYConstructionPlane
    sketch: adsk.fusion.Sketch = sketches.add(xyPlane)
    # Draw a circle.
    circles = sketch.sketchCurves.sketchCircles
    circle = circles.addByCenterRadius(adsk.core.Point3D.create(0, 0, 0), radius)
    # Draw a line to use as the axis of revolution.
    lines = sketch.sketchCurves.sketchLines
    axisLine = lines.addByTwoPoints(adsk.core.Point3D.create(-radius, 0, 0), adsk.core.Point3D.create(radius, 0, 0))
    # Get the profile defined by half of the circle.
    prof = sketch.profiles.item(0)
    # Create an revolution input to be able to define the input needed for a revolution
    # while specifying the profile and that a new component is to be created
    revolves = component.features.revolveFeatures
    revInput = revolves.createInput(prof, axisLine, adsk.fusion.FeatureOperations.NewComponentFeatureOperation)
    # Define that the extent is an angle of 2*pi to get a sphere
    angle = adsk.core.ValueInput.createByReal(2*math.pi)
    revInput.setAngleExtent(False, angle)
    # Create the extrusion.
    ext = revolves.add(revInput)
    # Get the root component
    rootComp = design.rootComponent
    # Get the first Occurrence
    occs = rootComp.occurrences
    occ: adsk.fusion.Occurrence = occs.item(0)
    mat: adsk.core.Matrix3D = occ.transform
    # Matrix translation
    mat.translation = origin
    # set transform
    occ.transform = mat
    # snapshot - Determining the position is important!!!
    body = ext.bodies.item(0)
    return body 

def getBodyFromBooleanOperation(design: adsk.fusion.Design, body1: adsk.fusion.BRepBody, body2: adsk.fusion.BRepBody) -> adsk.fusion.BRepBody:
    """ Creates a boolean operation between two bodies """
    model = design.activeComponent
    features = model.features
    bodyCollection = adsk.core.ObjectCollection.create()
    combineFeatures = features.combineFeatures
    combineFeatureInput = combineFeatures.createInput(body1, bodyCollection)
    combineFeatureInput.operation = 1
    combineFeatureInput.isKeepToolBodies = False
    combineFeatureInput.isNewComponent = False
    returnValue = combineFeatures.add(combineFeatureInput)
    part = returnValue.bodies[0]
    return part