NurbsCurve3D.extract Method

Parent Object: NurbsCurve3D
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Geometry/NurbsCurve3D.h>


Defines a new NURBS curve that is the subset of this NURBS curve in the parameter range of [startParam, endParam]


"nurbsCurve3D_var" is a variable referencing a NurbsCurve3D object.
returnValue = nurbsCurve3D_var.extract(startParam, endParam)
"nurbsCurve3D_var" is a variable referencing a NurbsCurve3D object.

#include <Core/Geometry/NurbsCurve3D.h>

returnValue = nurbsCurve3D_var->extract(startParam, endParam);

Return Value

Type Description
NurbsCurve3D Returns a new NurbsCurve3D object.


Name Type Description
startParam double The parameter position that defines the start of the subset.
endParam double The parameter position that defines the end of the subset.


Introduced in version August 2014