OperationBase.deleteMe Method

Parent Object: OperationBase

PreviewThis functionality is provided as a preview of intended future API capabilities. You are encouraged to use it and report any problems or suggestions using the Fusion API and Scripts forum.

Because this is a preview of future functionality, there is the possibility that it will change, which will possibly break any existing programs that use this functionality. Because of that, you should never deliver any programs that use any preview capabilities. For a distributed program, you should wait until it has moved from preview to released state.

Defined in namespace "adsk::cam" and the header file is <Cam/Operations/OperationBase.h>


Deletes the operation from the document. In case of a setup or folder, all containing child operations will be deleted as well.


"operationBase_var" is a variable referencing an OperationBase object.
returnValue = operationBase_var.deleteMe()
"operationBase_var" is a variable referencing an OperationBase object.

#include <Cam/Operations/OperationBase.h>

returnValue = operationBase_var->deleteMe();

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the delete was successful.


Introduced in version May 2023