PostCapabilities Enumerator


List of capabilities a post configuration can support. These capabilities represent either a class of operations (milling, turning, etc.) or some additional functionality (e.g. machine simulation).
Defined in namespace "adsk::cam" and the header file is <Cam\CamTypeDefs.h>


Name Value Description
Additive 64 Post supports additive operations.
Cascading 32 Post configuration is intended to run as a complement to another post that produces NC code to pass additional data to an external application.
Inspection 128 Post supports surface inspection operations.
Intermediate 8 Post outputs data in an intermediate format intended for processing by another application rather than NC code for a machine.
Jet 16 Post supports jet cutting operations (e.g. water jet, plasma, or laser).
MachineSimulation 256 Post configuration provides additional data to support machine simulation.
Milling 1 Post supports milling operations.
SetupSheet 4 Post creates a setup sheet rather than NC code.
Turning 2 Post supports turning operations.
Undefined 0 Undefined, default when query is created.


Introduced in version April 2023