RevolveFeatures.add Method

Parent Object: RevolveFeatures
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/RevolveFeatures.h>


Creates a new revolve feature based on the information provided by the provided RevolveFeatureInput object. To create a new revolve, use the createInput function to create a new input object and then use the methods and properties on that object to define the required input for a revolve. Once the information is defined on the input object you can pass it to the Add method to create the revolve.


"revolveFeatures_var" is a variable referencing a RevolveFeatures object.
returnValue = revolveFeatures_var.add(input)
"revolveFeatures_var" is a variable referencing a RevolveFeatures object.

#include <Fusion/Features/RevolveFeatures.h>

returnValue = revolveFeatures_var->add(input);

Return Value

Type Description
RevolveFeature Returns the newly created RevolveFeature or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
input RevolveFeatureInput The RevolveFeatureInput object that specifies the input needed to create a new extrude


Name Description
revolveFeatures.add Demonstrates creating a revolve feature using an angle extent.
Simple Revolve Feature Sample Creates a new revolve feature, resulting in a new component.


Introduced in version August 2014