ScaleFeature.setToNonUniform Method

Parent Object: ScaleFeature
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/ScaleFeature.h>


Calling this method will change to a non-uniform scale. Fails of the inputEntities collection contains sketches or components. The isUniform is set to false if successful.

To use this method, you need to position the timeline marker to immediately before this feature. This can be accomplished using the following code: thisFeature.timelineObject.rollTo(True)


"scaleFeature_var" is a variable referencing a ScaleFeature object.
returnValue = scaleFeature_var.setToNonUniform(xScale, yScale, zScale)
"scaleFeature_var" is a variable referencing a ScaleFeature object.

#include <Fusion/Features/ScaleFeature.h>

returnValue = scaleFeature_var->setToNonUniform(xScale, yScale, zScale);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if successful.


Name Type Description
xScale ValueInput A ValueInput object that defines the scale in the X direction.
yScale ValueInput A ValueInput object that defines the scale in the Y direction.
zScale ValueInput A ValueInput object that defines the scale in the Z direction.


Introduced in version January 2015