SketchArcs.addByCenterStartSweep Method

Parent Object: SketchArcs
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Sketch/SketchArcs.h>


Creates a sketch arc that is always parallel to the x-y plane of the sketch and is centered at the specified point.


Sketch arcs always exist in a counterclockwise direction. Even though you can specify a negative sweep to define an arc in a clockwise direction, the result will still be a counterclockwise arc. This means if you query the created sketch arc, the start and end points may be opposite of what you expect.


"sketchArcs_var" is a variable referencing a SketchArcs object.
returnValue = sketchArcs_var.addByCenterStartSweep(centerPoint, startPoint, sweepAngle)
"sketchArcs_var" is a variable referencing a SketchArcs object.

#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchArcs.h>

returnValue = sketchArcs_var->addByCenterStartSweep(centerPoint, startPoint, sweepAngle);

Return Value

Type Description
SketchArc Returns the newly created SketchArc object or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
centerPoint Base The center point of the arc. This can be either an existing SketchPoint or a Point3D object.
startPoint Base The start point of the arc. The distance between this point and the center defines the radius of the arc. This can be either an existing SketchPoint or a Point3D object.
sweepAngle double The sweep of the arc. This is defined in radians and a positive value defines a counter-clockwise sweep.


Name Description
SketchArcs.addByCenterStartSweep Demonstrates the SketchArcs.addByCenterStartSweep method.
SketchArcs.addFillet Demonstrates the SketchArcs.addFillet method.


Introduced in version August 2014