SketchConicCurve Object

Derived from: SketchCurve Object
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Sketch/SketchConicCurve.h>


The SketchConicCurve class represents conic curves in a sketch.


Name Description
breakCurve Breaks a curve into two or three pieces by finding intersections of this curve with all other curves in the sketch and splitting this curve at the nearest intersections to a specified point on the curve.
classType Static function that all classes support that returns the type of the class as a string. The returned string matches the string returned by the objectType property. For example if you have a reference to an object and you want to check if it's a SketchLine you can use myObject.objectType == fusion.SketchLine.classType().
createForAssemblyContext Creates or returns a proxy for the native object - i.e. a new object that represents this object but adds the assembly context defined by the input occurrence.
deleteMe Deletes the entity from the sketch.
extend Extend a curve by specifying a point that determines the end of the curve to extend
intersections Get the curves that intersect this curve along with the intersection points (Point3D)
split Split a curve at a position specified along the curve
trim Trim a curve by specifying a point that determines the segment of the curve to trim away


Name Description
apexSketchPoint The sketch point at the apex of the conic curve.
assemblyContext Returns the assembly occurrence (i.e. the occurrence) of this object in an assembly. This is only valid in the case where this is acting as a proxy in an assembly. Returns null in the case where the object is not in the context of an assembly but is already the native object.
attributes Returns the collection of attributes associated with this face.
boundingBox Returns the bounding box of the entity in sketch space.
endSketchPoint The sketch point at the end of the curve.
entityToken Returns a token for the SketchEntity object. This can be saved and used at a later time with the Design.findEntityByToken method to get back the same sketch entity.

When using entity tokens it's important to understand that the token string returned for a specific entity can be different over time. However, even if you have two different token strings that were obtained from the same entity, when you use findEntityByToken they will both return the same entity. Because of that you should never compare entity tokens as way to determine what the token represents. Instead, you need to use the findEntityByToken method to get the two entities identified by the tokens and then compare them.
evaluator Returns an evaluator object that lets you perform evaluations on the precise geometry of the curve.
geometricConstraints Returns the sketch constraints that are attached to this curve.
geometry Returns the transient geometry of the curve which provides geometric information about the curve. The returned geometry is always in sketch space.

Because the fixed spline can be analytically defined, for example it can be the precise intersection of a surface and the sketch plane, returning a NURBS curve that represents the spline may be an approximation of the actual curve. You can use the Evaluator property of the SketchFixedSpline object to perform evaluations on the precise curve.
is2D Indicates if this curve lies entirely on the sketch x-y plane.
isConstruction Gets and sets whether this curve is construction geometry.
isDeletable Indicates if this sketch entity can be deleted. There are cases, especially with sketch points where another entity is dependent on an entity so deleting it is not allowed. For example, you can't delete the center point of circle by itself but deleting the circle will delete the point. The same is true for the end points of a line.
isFixed Indicates if this geometry is "fixed".
isFullyConstrained Indicates if this sketch entity is fully constrained.
isLinked Indicates if this sketch entity was created by a projection, inclusion, or driven by an API script. If this returns true, then the entity is presented to the user as not editable and with a 'break link' command available.
isReference Indicates if this geometry is a reference. Changing this property from true to false removes the reference. This property can not be set to true if it is already false.
isValid Indicates if this object is still valid, i.e. hasn't been deleted or some other action done to invalidate the reference.
isVisible When a sketch is created, geometry is sometimes automatically added to the sketch. For example a sketch point that references the origin point is always included and if a face was selected to create the sketch on, geometry from the face is also included. This automatically created geometry behaves in a special way in that it is invisible but is available for selection and it also participates in profile calculations. It's not possible to make them visible but they can be deleted and they can be used for any other standard sketch operation.
length Returns the length of the curve in centimeters.
nativeObject The NativeObject is the object outside the context of an assembly and in the context of it's parent component. Returns null in the case where this object is not in the context of an assembly but is already the native object.
objectType This property is supported by all objects in the API and returns a string that contains the full name (namespace::objecttype) describing the type of the object.

It's often useful to use this in combination with the classType method to see if an object is a certain type. For example: if obj.objectType == adsk.core.Point3D.classType():
parentSketch Returns the parent sketch.
referencedEntity Returns the referenced entity in the case where IsReference is true. However, this property can also return null when IsReference is true in the case where the reference is not parametric.
rhoValue Get and sets the rho value for the curve. The value must be greater than zero and less than one.
sketchDimensions Returns the sketch dimensions that are attached to this curve.
startSketchPoint The sketch point at the start of the curve.
worldGeometry Returns a NurbsCurve3D object that is the equivalent of this sketch curve but is in the space of the parent component rather than in sketch space.

Accessed From

SketchConicCurve.createForAssemblyContext, SketchConicCurve.nativeObject, SketchConicCurves.add, SketchConicCurves.item


Introduced in version January 2015