SketchDimensions.addDistanceDimension Method

Parent Object: SketchDimensions
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Sketch/SketchDimensions.h>


Creates a new linear dimension constraint between the two input entities.


"sketchDimensions_var" is a variable referencing a SketchDimensions object.
# Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = sketchDimensions_var.addDistanceDimension(pointOne, pointTwo, orientation, textPoint)

# Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = sketchDimensions_var.addDistanceDimension(pointOne, pointTwo, orientation, textPoint, isDriving)
"sketchDimensions_var" is a variable referencing a SketchDimensions object.

#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchDimensions.h>

// Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = sketchDimensions_var->addDistanceDimension(pointOne, pointTwo, orientation, textPoint);

// Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = sketchDimensions_var->addDistanceDimension(pointOne, pointTwo, orientation, textPoint, isDriving);

Return Value

Type Description
SketchLinearDimension Returns the newly created dimension or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
pointOne SketchPoint The first SketchPoint to dimension to.
pointTwo SketchPoint The second SketchPoint to dimension to..
orientation DimensionOrientations The orientation of the dimension.
textPoint Point3D A Point3D object that defines the position of the dimension text.
isDriving boolean Optional argument that specifies if a driving (the dimension controls the geometry) or a driven (the geometry controls the dimension) dimension is created. If not provided a driving dimension will be created.

This is an optional argument whose default value is True.


Name Description
API Sample that demonstrates creating sketch lines in various ways. Demonstrates several ways to create sketch lines, including as the result of creating a rectangle.
SketchDimensions.addDistanceDimension Demonstrates the SketchDimension.addDistanceDimension method.


Introduced in version August 2014