SketchFixedSplines.addByNurbsCurve Method

Parent Object: SketchFixedSplines
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Sketch/SketchFixedSplines.h>


Creates a new fixed spline using the input NurbsCurve3D to define the shape. The resulting curve is not editable by the user but can be updated via the API using the replaceGeometry method on the SketchFixedSpline object.


"sketchFixedSplines_var" is a variable referencing a SketchFixedSplines object.
returnValue = sketchFixedSplines_var.addByNurbsCurve(nurbsCurve)
"sketchFixedSplines_var" is a variable referencing a SketchFixedSplines object.

#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchFixedSplines.h>

returnValue = sketchFixedSplines_var->addByNurbsCurve(nurbsCurve);

Return Value

Type Description
SketchFixedSpline Returns the newly created SketchFixedSpline object if the creation was successful or null if it failed.


Name Type Description
nurbsCurve NurbsCurve3D A NurbsCurve3D object that defines a valid NURBS curve.


Name Description
SketchFixedSplines.addByNurbsCurve Demonstrates the SketchFixedSplines.addByNurbsCurve method.


Introduced in version December 2020