SurfaceEvaluator.getModelCurveFromParametricCurve Method

Parent Object: SurfaceEvaluator
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Geometry/SurfaceEvaluator.h>


Creates the 3D equivalent curve in model space, of a 2D curve defined in the parametric space of the surface.


"surfaceEvaluator_var" is a variable referencing a SurfaceEvaluator object.
returnValue = surfaceEvaluator_var.getModelCurveFromParametricCurve(parametricCurve)
"surfaceEvaluator_var" is a variable referencing a SurfaceEvaluator object.

#include <Core/Geometry/SurfaceEvaluator.h>

returnValue = surfaceEvaluator_var->getModelCurveFromParametricCurve(parametricCurve);

Return Value

Type Description
ObjectCollection Returns an ObjectCollection containing one or more curves. When the SufaceEvaluatior is obtained from a face, and the curve cuts across internal boundaries of the face, multiple curves are returned. The returned curves are trimmed to the boundaries of the face. If the SurfaceEvaluator is obtained from a geometry object, a single curve returned because there are no boundaries with which to trim the curve. The type of curve(s) returned depends on the shape of the input curve and surface.


Name Type Description
parametricCurve Curve2D The parameter space curve to map into this surface's parameter space.


Introduced in version August 2014