SurfaceEvaluator.parametricRange Method

Parent Object: SurfaceEvaluator
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Geometry/SurfaceEvaluator.h>


Returns the parametric range of the surface. If the surface is periodic in a direction, the range is set to the principle period's range. If the surface is only upper bounded in a direction, the lower bound is set to -double-max. If the surface is only lower bounded in a direction, the upper bound is set to double-max. If the surface is unbounded in a direction, the lower bound and upper bound of the range will both be zero.


"surfaceEvaluator_var" is a variable referencing a SurfaceEvaluator object.
returnValue = surfaceEvaluator_var.parametricRange()
"surfaceEvaluator_var" is a variable referencing a SurfaceEvaluator object.

#include <Core/Geometry/SurfaceEvaluator.h>

returnValue = surfaceEvaluator_var->parametricRange();

Return Value

Type Description
BoundingBox2D Returns the bounding box with the parameter extents, with the X value being the U range, and the Y value being the V range.


Introduced in version August 2014