Tabbed Toolbar API Sample


Demonstrates how to work with the tabbed toolbar API.

Code Samples

#include <Core/Application/Application.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandDefinition.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandDefinitions.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTab.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarPanels.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarPanel.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarPanelList.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandControl.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarControls.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/Workspaces.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/Workspace.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTabList.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTab.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTabs.h>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace std;

Ptr<UserInterface> ui;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
    Ptr<Application> app = Application::get();
    if (!app)
        return false;

    ui = app->userInterface();
    if (!ui)
        return false;

    Ptr<CommandDefinitions> cmdDefs = ui->commandDefinitions();
    if (!cmdDefs)
        return false;

    // For this example, we are adding the already exisiting 'Extrude' command into a new panel.
    // Find the 'Extrude' Command:
    Ptr<CommandDefinition> extrudeCmd = cmdDefs->itemById("Extrude");
    if (!extrudeCmd)
        return false;

    // For a few months, the customer might run either classic UI or tabbed toolbar UI.
    // Find out what is being used :
    bool runningTabbedToolbar = ui->isTabbedToolbarUI();
    if (!runningTabbedToolbar)
        // This is meant to be a tabbed toolbar example.
        // Just return if not enabled:
        return false;

    // Get all of the workspaces:
    Ptr<Workspaces> allWorkspaces = ui->workspaces();
    if (!allWorkspaces)
        // Just return if can't get the workspaces:
        return false;

    // Get the Render workspace :
    Ptr<Workspace> renderWorkspace = allWorkspaces->itemById("FusionRenderEnvironment");
    // Get the Design workspace :
    Ptr<Workspace> designWorkspace = allWorkspaces->itemById("FusionSolidEnvironment");
    if (!renderWorkspace || !designWorkspace)
        // Just return if can't Render or Design workspaces.
        // We want to add tabs to those workspaces:
        return false;

    // Get all the tabs for the Render and Design workspaces:
    Ptr<ToolbarTabs> allRenderTabs = renderWorkspace->toolbarTabs();
    Ptr<ToolbarTabs> allDesignTabs = designWorkspace->toolbarTabs();

    if (!allRenderTabs || !allDesignTabs)
        // Just return if we couldn't get the tabs for the
        // workspaces as expected:
        return false;

    // Add a new tab to the Render and Design workspaces:
    Ptr<ToolbarTab> newRenderTab = allRenderTabs->add("NewRenderTabHere", "New Render Tab");
    Ptr<ToolbarTab> newDesignTab = allDesignTabs->add("NewDesignTabHere", "New Design Tab");
    if (newRenderTab && newDesignTab)
        // Get all of the toolbar panels for the NewRender and NewDesign tab:
        Ptr<ToolbarPanels> allNewRenderTabPanels = newRenderTab->toolbarPanels();
        Ptr<ToolbarPanels> allNewDesignTabPanels = newDesignTab->toolbarPanels();

        // Activate the Render Workspace before trying to activate the newly added Tab:
        bool activeRenderWorkspace = renderWorkspace->activate();
        if (!activeRenderWorkspace)
            // Just return if we can't activate the workspace.
            return false;

        // Has the new render panel been added already ?
        // You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab.
        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewRenderPanel = nullptr;
        brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels->itemById("bestRenderPanelEverId");
        if (!brandNewRenderPanel)
            // We have not added the panel already. Go ahead and add it.
            brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels->add("bestRenderPanelEverId", "Best Render Panel");
            if (brandNewRenderPanel)
                // Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                Ptr<ToolbarControls> newRenderPanelControls = brandNewRenderPanel->controls();
                if (!newRenderPanelControls)
                    // We can't continue if the panel didn't return controls to use:
                    return false;

                // Do we already have this command in the controls ?
                // You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                Ptr<CommandControl> extrudeCmdControl = newRenderPanelControls->itemById("Extrude");

                if (!extrudeCmdControl)
                    // Make sure that the new tab is active before adding the command to the panel controls:
                    if (!newRenderTab->isActive())
                    // Go ahead and add the command to the panel.
                    // The command exists and it has not already been added to the
                    // panel:
                    extrudeCmdControl = newRenderPanelControls->addCommand(extrudeCmd);
                    // If the command is already added to the Panel, activate the tab if necessary:
                    if (!newRenderTab->isActive())
        } // end render panel

        // Activate the Design Workspace before trying to activate the newly added Tab:
        bool activeDesignWorkspace = designWorkspace->activate();
        if (!activeDesignWorkspace)
            // Just return if we can't activate the workspace.
            return false;

        // Has the new design panel been added already?
        // You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab.
        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewDesignPanel = nullptr;
        brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels->itemById("bestDesignPanelEverId");
        if (!brandNewDesignPanel)
            // We have not added the panel already. Go ahead and add it.
            brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels->add("bestDesignPanelEverId", "Best Design Panel");
            if (brandNewDesignPanel)
                // Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                Ptr<ToolbarControls> newDesignPanelControls = brandNewDesignPanel->controls();
                if (!newDesignPanelControls)
                    // We can't continue if the panel didn't return controls to use:
                    return false;

                // Do we already have this command in the controls ?
                // You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                Ptr<CommandControl> extrudeCmdControl = newDesignPanelControls->itemById("Extrude");

                if (!extrudeCmdControl)
                    // Make sure that the new tab is active before adding the command to the panel controls:
                    if (!newDesignTab->isActive())
                    // Go ahead and add the command to the panel.
                    // The command exists and it has not already been added to the
                    // panel:
                    extrudeCmdControl = newDesignPanelControls->addCommand(extrudeCmd);
                    // If the command is already added to the Panel, activate the tab if necessary:
                    if (!newDesignTab->isActive())
        } // end design panel

    return true;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool stop(const char* context)
    if (ui)
        Ptr<ToolbarPanelList> allToolbarPanels = ui->allToolbarPanels();
        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewDesignPanel = allToolbarPanels->itemById("bestDesignPanelEverId");
        if (brandNewDesignPanel)
            Ptr<ToolbarControls> controls = brandNewDesignPanel->controls();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < controls->count(); ++i)
                Ptr<ToolbarControl> control = controls->item(i);
                if (control->isValid())

        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewRenderPanel = allToolbarPanels->itemById("bestRenderPanelEverId");
        if (brandNewRenderPanel)
            Ptr<ToolbarControls> controls = brandNewRenderPanel->controls();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < controls->count(); ++i)
                Ptr<ToolbarControl> control = controls->item(i);
                if (control->isValid())

        Ptr<ToolbarTabList> allToolbarTabs = ui->allToolbarTabs();

        Ptr<ToolbarTab> newRenderTab = allToolbarTabs->itemById("NewRenderTabHere");
        if (newRenderTab && newRenderTab->isValid())

        Ptr<ToolbarTab> newDesignTab = allToolbarTabs->itemById("NewDesignTabHere");
        if (newDesignTab && newDesignTab->isValid())

        ui = nullptr;

    return true;

#ifdef XI_WIN

#include <windows.h>

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
    switch (reason)
    return TRUE;

#endif // XI_WIN
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback

def run(context):
    ui = None
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui  = app.userInterface

        # For this example, we are adding the already exisiting 'Extrude' command into a new panel:
        cmdDefinitions = ui.commandDefinitions
        anotherExtrudeCmd = cmdDefinitions.itemById('Extrude')
        # For a few months, the customer might run either classic UI or tabbed toolbar UI.
        # Find out what is being used:
        runningTabbedToolbar = ui.isTabbedToolbarUI

        if runningTabbedToolbar:
            # Get all workspaces:
            allWorkspaces = ui.workspaces
            # Get the Render workspace:
            renderWorkspace = allWorkspaces.itemById('FusionRenderEnvironment')
            # Get the Design workspace:
            designWorkspace = allWorkspaces.itemById('FusionSolidEnvironment')
            if (renderWorkspace and designWorkspace):
                # Get all the tabs for the Render and Design workspaces:
                allRenderTabs = renderWorkspace.toolbarTabs
                allDesignTabs = designWorkspace.toolbarTabs
                if ((allRenderTabs.count > 0) and (allDesignTabs.count > 0)):
                    # Add a new tab to the Render and Design workspaces:
                    newRenderTab = allRenderTabs.add('NewRenderTabHere', 'New Render Tab')
                    newDesignTab = allDesignTabs.add('NewDesignTabHere', 'New Design Tab')
                    if (newRenderTab and newDesignTab):
                        # Get all of the toolbar panels for the NewRender and NewDesign tab:
                        allNewRenderTabPanels = newRenderTab.toolbarPanels
                        allNewDesignTabPanels = newDesignTab.toolbarPanels

                        # Has the panel been added already?
                        # You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab.

                        #Activate the Render Workspace before activating the newly added Tab
                        brandNewRenderPanel = None
                        brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels.itemById('bestRenderPanelEverId')
                        if brandNewRenderPanel is None:
                            # We have not added the panel already.  Go ahead and add it.
                            brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels.add('bestRenderPanelEverId', 'Best Render Panel')

                        if brandNewRenderPanel:
                            # Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                            newPanelControls = brandNewRenderPanel.controls

                            # Do we already have this command in the controls?  
                            # You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                            extrudeCmdControl =  None
                            extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.itemById('Extrude')
                            if extrudeCmdControl is None:                        
                                # Activate the newly added Tab in Render Workspace before adding command to the Panel
                                if renderWorkspace.isActive: 
                                    renderTab = allRenderTabs.itemById('NewRenderTabHere')
                                    if not renderTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = renderTab.activate()
                                        if activationState:
                                            if anotherExtrudeCmd:
                                                # Go ahead and add the command to the panel:
                                                extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.addCommand(anotherExtrudeCmd)
                                                if extrudeCmdControl:
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isVisible = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromoted = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromotedByDefault = True
                                                    ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Render Panel now?')
                                # If the command is already added to the Panel check if it is visible and display a message
                                if renderWorkspace.isActive: 
                                    renderTab = allRenderTabs.itemById('NewRenderTabHere')
                                    if not renderTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = renderTab.activate()
                                        if activationState :
                                            if brandNewRenderPanel.isVisible:
                                                ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Render Panel now?')     
                                                totalControlsInPanel = newPanelControls.count
                                                if (totalControlsInPanel == 1):
                                                    if extrudeCmdControl.isVisible:
                                                        ui.messageBox('Not visible control')
                        #Activate the Design workspace before activating the newly added Tab

                        brandNewDesignPanel = None
                        brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels.itemById('bestDesignPanelEverId')
                        if brandNewDesignPanel is None:
                            # We have not added the panel already.  Go ahead and add it.
                            brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels.add('bestDesignPanelEverId', 'Best Design Panel')

                        if brandNewDesignPanel:
                            # Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                            newPanelControls = brandNewDesignPanel.controls

                            # Do we already have this command in the controls?  
                            # You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                            extrudeCmdControl =  None
                            extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.itemById('Extrude')
                            if extrudeCmdControl is None:
                            # Activate the newly added Tab in Design workspace before adding Command to the Panel
                                 if designWorkspace.isActive: 
                                    designTab = allDesignTabs.itemById('NewDesignTabHere')
                                    if not designTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = designTab.activate()
                                        if activationState :
                                            if anotherExtrudeCmd:
                                                # Go ahead and add the command to the panel:
                                                extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.addCommand(anotherExtrudeCmd)
                                                if extrudeCmdControl:
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isVisible = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromoted = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromotedByDefault = True
                                                    ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Design Panel now?')
                                # If the command is already added to the Panel check if it is visible and display a message
                                if designWorkspace.isActive:
                                    designTab = allDesignTabs.itemById('NewDesignTabHere')
                                    if not designTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = designTab.activate()
                                        if activationState :
                                            if brandNewDesignPanel.isVisible:
                                                ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Design Panel now?')     
                                                totalControlsInPanel = newPanelControls.count
                                                if (totalControlsInPanel == 1):
                                                    if extrudeCmdControl.isVisible:
                                                        ui.messageBox('Not visible control')
        if ui:
# When the addin stops we need to clean up the ui
def stop(context):
    app = adsk.core.Application.get()
    ui = app.userInterface

        # Get all the toolbar panels
        allToolbarPanels = ui.allToolbarPanels

        # See if our design panel still exists
        brandNewDesignPanel = allToolbarPanels.itemById('bestDesignPanelEverId')
        if brandNewDesignPanel:
            # Remove the controls we added to our panel
            for control in brandNewDesignPanel.controls:
                if control.isValid:

            # Remove our panel

        # See if our render panel still exists
        brandNewRenderPanel = allToolbarPanels.itemById('bestRenderPanelEverId')
        if brandNewRenderPanel:
            # Remove the controls we added to our panel
            for control in brandNewRenderPanel.controls:
                if control.isValid:

            # Remove our panel

        # Get all of the toolbar tabs
        allToolbarTabs = ui.allToolbarTabs

        # See if our render tab still exists
        newRenderTab = allToolbarTabs.itemById('NewRenderTabHere')
        if brandNewDesignPanel:
            if newRenderTab.isValid:

        # See if our design tab still exists
        newDesignTab = allToolbarTabs.itemById('NewDesignTabHere')
        if brandNewDesignPanel:
            if newDesignTab.isValid:
        if ui:
#include <Core/Application/Application.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandDefinition.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandDefinitions.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTab.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarPanels.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarPanel.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarPanelList.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/CommandControl.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarControls.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/Workspaces.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/Workspace.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTabList.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTab.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/ToolbarTabs.h>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace std;

Ptr<UserInterface> ui;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
    Ptr<Application> app = Application::get();
    if (!app)
        return false;

    ui = app->userInterface();
    if (!ui)
        return false;

    Ptr<CommandDefinitions> cmdDefs = ui->commandDefinitions();
    if (!cmdDefs)
        return false;

    // For this example, we are adding the already exisiting 'Extrude' command into a new panel.
    // Find the 'Extrude' Command:
    Ptr<CommandDefinition> extrudeCmd = cmdDefs->itemById("Extrude");
    if (!extrudeCmd)
        return false;

    // For a few months, the customer might run either classic UI or tabbed toolbar UI.
    // Find out what is being used :
    bool runningTabbedToolbar = ui->isTabbedToolbarUI();
    if (!runningTabbedToolbar)
        // This is meant to be a tabbed toolbar example.
        // Just return if not enabled:
        return false;

    // Get all of the workspaces:
    Ptr<Workspaces> allWorkspaces = ui->workspaces();
    if (!allWorkspaces)
        // Just return if can't get the workspaces:
        return false;

    // Get the Render workspace :
    Ptr<Workspace> renderWorkspace = allWorkspaces->itemById("FusionRenderEnvironment");
    // Get the Design workspace :
    Ptr<Workspace> designWorkspace = allWorkspaces->itemById("FusionSolidEnvironment");
    if (!renderWorkspace || !designWorkspace)
        // Just return if can't Render or Design workspaces.
        // We want to add tabs to those workspaces:
        return false;

    // Get all the tabs for the Render and Design workspaces:
    Ptr<ToolbarTabs> allRenderTabs = renderWorkspace->toolbarTabs();
    Ptr<ToolbarTabs> allDesignTabs = designWorkspace->toolbarTabs();

    if (!allRenderTabs || !allDesignTabs)
        // Just return if we couldn't get the tabs for the
        // workspaces as expected:
        return false;

    // Add a new tab to the Render and Design workspaces:
    Ptr<ToolbarTab> newRenderTab = allRenderTabs->add("NewRenderTabHere", "New Render Tab");
    Ptr<ToolbarTab> newDesignTab = allDesignTabs->add("NewDesignTabHere", "New Design Tab");
    if (newRenderTab && newDesignTab)
        // Get all of the toolbar panels for the NewRender and NewDesign tab:
        Ptr<ToolbarPanels> allNewRenderTabPanels = newRenderTab->toolbarPanels();
        Ptr<ToolbarPanels> allNewDesignTabPanels = newDesignTab->toolbarPanels();

        // Activate the Render Workspace before trying to activate the newly added Tab:
        bool activeRenderWorkspace = renderWorkspace->activate();
        if (!activeRenderWorkspace)
            // Just return if we can't activate the workspace.
            return false;

        // Has the new render panel been added already ?
        // You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab.
        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewRenderPanel = nullptr;
        brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels->itemById("bestRenderPanelEverId");
        if (!brandNewRenderPanel)
            // We have not added the panel already. Go ahead and add it.
            brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels->add("bestRenderPanelEverId", "Best Render Panel");
            if (brandNewRenderPanel)
                // Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                Ptr<ToolbarControls> newRenderPanelControls = brandNewRenderPanel->controls();
                if (!newRenderPanelControls)
                    // We can't continue if the panel didn't return controls to use:
                    return false;

                // Do we already have this command in the controls ?
                // You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                Ptr<CommandControl> extrudeCmdControl = newRenderPanelControls->itemById("Extrude");

                if (!extrudeCmdControl)
                    // Make sure that the new tab is active before adding the command to the panel controls:
                    if (!newRenderTab->isActive())
                    // Go ahead and add the command to the panel.
                    // The command exists and it has not already been added to the
                    // panel:
                    extrudeCmdControl = newRenderPanelControls->addCommand(extrudeCmd);
                    // If the command is already added to the Panel, activate the tab if necessary:
                    if (!newRenderTab->isActive())
        } // end render panel

        // Activate the Design Workspace before trying to activate the newly added Tab:
        bool activeDesignWorkspace = designWorkspace->activate();
        if (!activeDesignWorkspace)
            // Just return if we can't activate the workspace.
            return false;

        // Has the new design panel been added already?
        // You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab.
        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewDesignPanel = nullptr;
        brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels->itemById("bestDesignPanelEverId");
        if (!brandNewDesignPanel)
            // We have not added the panel already. Go ahead and add it.
            brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels->add("bestDesignPanelEverId", "Best Design Panel");
            if (brandNewDesignPanel)
                // Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                Ptr<ToolbarControls> newDesignPanelControls = brandNewDesignPanel->controls();
                if (!newDesignPanelControls)
                    // We can't continue if the panel didn't return controls to use:
                    return false;

                // Do we already have this command in the controls ?
                // You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                Ptr<CommandControl> extrudeCmdControl = newDesignPanelControls->itemById("Extrude");

                if (!extrudeCmdControl)
                    // Make sure that the new tab is active before adding the command to the panel controls:
                    if (!newDesignTab->isActive())
                    // Go ahead and add the command to the panel.
                    // The command exists and it has not already been added to the
                    // panel:
                    extrudeCmdControl = newDesignPanelControls->addCommand(extrudeCmd);
                    // If the command is already added to the Panel, activate the tab if necessary:
                    if (!newDesignTab->isActive())
        } // end design panel

    return true;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool stop(const char* context)
    if (ui)
        Ptr<ToolbarPanelList> allToolbarPanels = ui->allToolbarPanels();
        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewDesignPanel = allToolbarPanels->itemById("bestDesignPanelEverId");
        if (brandNewDesignPanel)
            Ptr<ToolbarControls> controls = brandNewDesignPanel->controls();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < controls->count(); ++i)
                Ptr<ToolbarControl> control = controls->item(i);
                if (control->isValid())

        Ptr<ToolbarPanel> brandNewRenderPanel = allToolbarPanels->itemById("bestRenderPanelEverId");
        if (brandNewRenderPanel)
            Ptr<ToolbarControls> controls = brandNewRenderPanel->controls();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < controls->count(); ++i)
                Ptr<ToolbarControl> control = controls->item(i);
                if (control->isValid())

        Ptr<ToolbarTabList> allToolbarTabs = ui->allToolbarTabs();

        Ptr<ToolbarTab> newRenderTab = allToolbarTabs->itemById("NewRenderTabHere");
        if (newRenderTab && newRenderTab->isValid())

        Ptr<ToolbarTab> newDesignTab = allToolbarTabs->itemById("NewDesignTabHere");
        if (newDesignTab && newDesignTab->isValid())

        ui = nullptr;

    return true;

#ifdef XI_WIN

#include <windows.h>

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
    switch (reason)
    return TRUE;

#endif // XI_WIN
import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback

def run(context):
    ui = None
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui  = app.userInterface

        # For this example, we are adding the already exisiting 'Extrude' command into a new panel:
        cmdDefinitions = ui.commandDefinitions
        anotherExtrudeCmd = cmdDefinitions.itemById('Extrude')
        # For a few months, the customer might run either classic UI or tabbed toolbar UI.
        # Find out what is being used:
        runningTabbedToolbar = ui.isTabbedToolbarUI

        if runningTabbedToolbar:
            # Get all workspaces:
            allWorkspaces = ui.workspaces
            # Get the Render workspace:
            renderWorkspace = allWorkspaces.itemById('FusionRenderEnvironment')
            # Get the Design workspace:
            designWorkspace = allWorkspaces.itemById('FusionSolidEnvironment')
            if (renderWorkspace and designWorkspace):
                # Get all the tabs for the Render and Design workspaces:
                allRenderTabs = renderWorkspace.toolbarTabs
                allDesignTabs = designWorkspace.toolbarTabs
                if ((allRenderTabs.count > 0) and (allDesignTabs.count > 0)):
                    # Add a new tab to the Render and Design workspaces:
                    newRenderTab = allRenderTabs.add('NewRenderTabHere', 'New Render Tab')
                    newDesignTab = allDesignTabs.add('NewDesignTabHere', 'New Design Tab')
                    if (newRenderTab and newDesignTab):
                        # Get all of the toolbar panels for the NewRender and NewDesign tab:
                        allNewRenderTabPanels = newRenderTab.toolbarPanels
                        allNewDesignTabPanels = newDesignTab.toolbarPanels

                        # Has the panel been added already?
                        # You'll get an error if you try to add this more than once to the tab.

                        #Activate the Render Workspace before activating the newly added Tab
                        brandNewRenderPanel = None
                        brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels.itemById('bestRenderPanelEverId')
                        if brandNewRenderPanel is None:
                            # We have not added the panel already.  Go ahead and add it.
                            brandNewRenderPanel = allNewRenderTabPanels.add('bestRenderPanelEverId', 'Best Render Panel')

                        if brandNewRenderPanel:
                            # Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                            newPanelControls = brandNewRenderPanel.controls

                            # Do we already have this command in the controls?  
                            # You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                            extrudeCmdControl =  None
                            extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.itemById('Extrude')
                            if extrudeCmdControl is None:                        
                                # Activate the newly added Tab in Render Workspace before adding command to the Panel
                                if renderWorkspace.isActive: 
                                    renderTab = allRenderTabs.itemById('NewRenderTabHere')
                                    if not renderTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = renderTab.activate()
                                        if activationState:
                                            if anotherExtrudeCmd:
                                                # Go ahead and add the command to the panel:
                                                extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.addCommand(anotherExtrudeCmd)
                                                if extrudeCmdControl:
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isVisible = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromoted = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromotedByDefault = True
                                                    ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Render Panel now?')
                                # If the command is already added to the Panel check if it is visible and display a message
                                if renderWorkspace.isActive: 
                                    renderTab = allRenderTabs.itemById('NewRenderTabHere')
                                    if not renderTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = renderTab.activate()
                                        if activationState :
                                            if brandNewRenderPanel.isVisible:
                                                ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Render Panel now?')     
                                                totalControlsInPanel = newPanelControls.count
                                                if (totalControlsInPanel == 1):
                                                    if extrudeCmdControl.isVisible:
                                                        ui.messageBox('Not visible control')
                        #Activate the Design workspace before activating the newly added Tab

                        brandNewDesignPanel = None
                        brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels.itemById('bestDesignPanelEverId')
                        if brandNewDesignPanel is None:
                            # We have not added the panel already.  Go ahead and add it.
                            brandNewDesignPanel = allNewDesignTabPanels.add('bestDesignPanelEverId', 'Best Design Panel')

                        if brandNewDesignPanel:
                            # Access the controls that belong to the panel:
                            newPanelControls = brandNewDesignPanel.controls

                            # Do we already have this command in the controls?  
                            # You'll get an error if you try to add it more than once to the panel:
                            extrudeCmdControl =  None
                            extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.itemById('Extrude')
                            if extrudeCmdControl is None:
                            # Activate the newly added Tab in Design workspace before adding Command to the Panel
                                 if designWorkspace.isActive: 
                                    designTab = allDesignTabs.itemById('NewDesignTabHere')
                                    if not designTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = designTab.activate()
                                        if activationState :
                                            if anotherExtrudeCmd:
                                                # Go ahead and add the command to the panel:
                                                extrudeCmdControl = newPanelControls.addCommand(anotherExtrudeCmd)
                                                if extrudeCmdControl:
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isVisible = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromoted = True
                                                    extrudeCmdControl.isPromotedByDefault = True
                                                    ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Design Panel now?')
                                # If the command is already added to the Panel check if it is visible and display a message
                                if designWorkspace.isActive:
                                    designTab = allDesignTabs.itemById('NewDesignTabHere')
                                    if not designTab.isActive :
                                        activationState = designTab.activate()
                                        if activationState :
                                            if brandNewDesignPanel.isVisible:
                                                ui.messageBox('Do you see Best Design Panel now?')     
                                                totalControlsInPanel = newPanelControls.count
                                                if (totalControlsInPanel == 1):
                                                    if extrudeCmdControl.isVisible:
                                                        ui.messageBox('Not visible control')
        if ui:
# When the addin stops we need to clean up the ui
def stop(context):
    app = adsk.core.Application.get()
    ui = app.userInterface

        # Get all the toolbar panels
        allToolbarPanels = ui.allToolbarPanels

        # See if our design panel still exists
        brandNewDesignPanel = allToolbarPanels.itemById('bestDesignPanelEverId')
        if brandNewDesignPanel:
            # Remove the controls we added to our panel
            for control in brandNewDesignPanel.controls:
                if control.isValid:

            # Remove our panel

        # See if our render panel still exists
        brandNewRenderPanel = allToolbarPanels.itemById('bestRenderPanelEverId')
        if brandNewRenderPanel:
            # Remove the controls we added to our panel
            for control in brandNewRenderPanel.controls:
                if control.isValid:

            # Remove our panel

        # Get all of the toolbar tabs
        allToolbarTabs = ui.allToolbarTabs

        # See if our render tab still exists
        newRenderTab = allToolbarTabs.itemById('NewRenderTabHere')
        if brandNewDesignPanel:
            if newRenderTab.isValid:

        # See if our design tab still exists
        newDesignTab = allToolbarTabs.itemById('NewDesignTabHere')
        if brandNewDesignPanel:
            if newDesignTab.isValid:
        if ui: