TangentRelationships.createInput Method

Parent Object: TangentRelationships
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Components/TangentRelationships.h>


Creates a TangentRelationshipInput object, which is the API equivalent to the Tangent Relationship command dialog. You use methods and properties on the returned class to set the desired options, similar to providing input in the Tangent Relationship command dialog. Once the settings are defined you call the TangentRelationships.add method passing in the TangentRelationshipInput object to create the actual TangentRelationship.


"tangentRelationships_var" is a variable referencing a TangentRelationships object.
returnValue = tangentRelationships_var.createInput(faceOne, tangentFaces)
"tangentRelationships_var" is a variable referencing a TangentRelationships object.

#include <Fusion/Components/TangentRelationships.h>

returnValue = tangentRelationships_var->createInput(faceOne, tangentFaces);

Return Value

Type Description
TangentRelationshipInput Returns the TangentRelationshipInput object or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
faceOne BRepFace A BRepFace object that will remain tangent to the set of specified tangent faces.
tangentFaces Base A single BRepFace object that is part of the body that faceOne will remain tangent to. All of the faces of the body will be used when computing the tangent relationship.


Introduced in version May 2022