TemporaryBRepManager API Sample


TemporaryBRepManager related functions

Code Samples


import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, adsk.cam, traceback
import os

def CreateBox():  
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()

    centerPoint = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 10.0, 0.0);
    lengthDir = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    widthDir = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    orientedBoundingBox3D = adsk.core.OrientedBoundingBox3D.create(centerPoint, 
    # Create box                                                              
    box = tempBrepMgr.createBox(orientedBoundingBox3D)
    return box

def CreateCylinderOrCone(radius1, radius2):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()  
    point1 = adsk.core.Point3D.create(3.0, 3.0, 3.0)
    point2 = adsk.core.Point3D.create(-3.0, -3.0, -3.0)   
    # Create Cylinder Or Cone
    cylinderOrCone = tempBrepMgr.createCylinderOrCone(point1, 
    return cylinderOrCone
def CreateEllipticalCylinderOrCone(majorRadius1, minorRadius1, majorRadius2):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()  
    pointOne = adsk.core.Point3D.create(8.0, 3.0, 0.0)
    pointTwo = adsk.core.Point3D.create(8.0, -3.0, -3.0) 
    majorAxisDirection = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    # Create EllipticalCylinder Or Cone
    ellipicalCylinderOrCone = tempBrepMgr.createEllipticalCylinderOrCone(pointOne,
    return ellipicalCylinderOrCone
def CreateSphere(radius):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()  
    sphereCenter = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 8.0, 8.0)
    # Create sphere
    sphere = tempBrepMgr.createSphere(sphereCenter, radius)
    return sphere
def CreateTorus(majorRadius, minorRadius):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()  
    axis = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
    torusCenter = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 2.0, 8.0)
    # Create torus
    torus = tempBrepMgr.createTorus(torusCenter, 
    return torus  

def PlaneIntersection(body):  
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()  

    planeOrigin = adsk.core.Point3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    planeNormal = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    plane =  adsk.core.Plane.create(planeOrigin, planeNormal)
    # creates a brep body by the intersection between the input body and plane
    intersectionBody = tempBrepMgr.planeIntersection(body, plane) 
    return intersectionBody        
def TransformBody(body):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get() 
    transform = adsk.core.Matrix3D.create()
    transform.translation = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 0.0, -5.0)
    # Transforms the brep body using the specified transformation matrix
    isSuccess = tempBrepMgr.transform(body, transform)
    return isSuccess
def GetWireFromBody(body, index):
    brepWires = body.wires;
    brepWire = brepWires.item(index)
    return brepWire
def DeleteFacesOnBody(body, indexes, isDeleteSpecifiedFaces):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get() 
    brepFaces = []
    faces = body.faces
    for index in indexes:
        face = faces.item(index)
    # Delete faces on body
    isSuccess = tempBrepMgr.deleteFaces(brepFaces, isDeleteSpecifiedFaces)
    return isSuccess
def CreateSilhouette(face):
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get() 
    viewDirection = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    silhouetteBody = tempBrepMgr.createSilhouetteCurves(face, viewDirection, True)
    # Create silhouette body
    return silhouetteBody
def CreateWireFromCurves():
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get() 
    center = adsk.core.Point3D.create(10.0, 0.0, 5.0)
    normal = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    circle1 = adsk.core.Circle3D.createByCenter(center, normal, 3.0)
    circle2 = adsk.core.Circle3D.createByCenter(center, normal, 2.0)
    curves = []
    # Create wire from curves
    wireBody, edgeMap = tempBrepMgr.createWireFromCurves(curves)
    return wireBody, edgeMap
def CreateHelixBody():
    # Get TemporaryBRepManager
    tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get() 
    axisPoint = adsk.core.Point3D.create(10.0, 10.0, 10.0)
    axisVector = adsk.core.Vector3D.create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    startPoint = adsk.core.Point3D.create(8.0, 2.0, 10.0)
    pitch = 1.0
    turns = 10
    taperAngle = 0.3
    # Create helix body
    helixBody = tempBrepMgr.createHelixWire(axisPoint,
    return helixBody
def run(context):
    ui = None
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui  = app.userInterface
        # Create a new document with parametric design
        doc = app.documents.add(adsk.core.DocumentTypes.FusionDesignDocumentType)
        product = app.activeProduct
        design = adsk.fusion.Design.cast(product)
        design.designType = adsk.fusion.DesignTypes.DirectDesignType
        # Get the root component of active design
        rootComp = design.rootComponent

        # Get bodies in root component
        bodies = rootComp.bRepBodies
        # Get TemporaryBRepManager
        tempBrepMgr = adsk.fusion.TemporaryBRepManager.get()
        # Create a temporary solid box
        box = CreateBox()
        # Check the temporary box property
        isTemporary = box.isTemporary
        print(("Is the Box temporary? {}").format(isTemporary))
        # Creates a temporary solid cylinder and cone BRepBody
        cylinder = CreateCylinderOrCone(3.0, 3.0)
        cone =  CreateCylinderOrCone(2.0, 4.0)
        # Creates a temporary elliptical solid cylinder and cone BrepBody
        ellipicalCylinder = CreateEllipticalCylinderOrCone(4.0, 2.0, 4.0)
        ellipicalCone = CreateEllipticalCylinderOrCone(3.0, 2.0, 4.5)
        # Creates a temporary spherical BRepBody
        sphere = CreateSphere(3.0)
        # Creates a temporary toroidal BRepBody
        torus = CreateTorus(2.0, 1.0) 

        # creates a brep body by the intersection between the input body and plane
        intersectionBody = PlaneIntersection(box) 
        # Creates a temporary copy of the input BRepBody
        copiedBody = tempBrepMgr.copy(intersectionBody)
        # Transforms the brep body using the specified transformation matrix
        isSuccess = TransformBody(copiedBody)
        print(("Is the transformation of the copied body successed? {}").format(isSuccess))
        # Get brep wires 
        brepWire = GetWireFromBody(intersectionBody, 0)
        copiedWire = GetWireFromBody(copiedBody, 0)
        #  Creates a new body by creating a ruled surface between the two input wire bodies. 
        surfaceBody = tempBrepMgr.createRuledSurface(brepWire, copiedWire)
        # Performs the specified Boolean operation between the two input bodies
        intersection = adsk.fusion.BooleanTypes.IntersectionBooleanType
        isSuccess = tempBrepMgr.booleanOperation(cylinder, cone, intersection)
        print(("Is the intersection boolean operation successed? {}").format(isSuccess))
        union = adsk.fusion.BooleanTypes.UnionBooleanType 
        isSuccess = tempBrepMgr.booleanOperation(ellipicalCylinder, ellipicalCone, union)        
        print(("Is the union boolean operation successed? {}").format(isSuccess))
        # Delete face from a temporary BRepBody
        indexes = [0,2]
        isSuccess = DeleteFacesOnBody(ellipicalCylinder, indexes, True)
        print(("Is faces deletion successed? {}").format(isSuccess))
        # Calculates the silhouette curve geometry for a given face as viewed from a given direction. 
        face = torus.faces.item(0)
        silhouetteBody = CreateSilhouette(face)
        # Create wire from curves
        wireBody, edgeMap = CreateWireFromCurves()
        # Creates a body from multiple wires that all lie within the same plane
        wireBodies = []
        planerBody = tempBrepMgr.createFaceFromPlanarWires(wireBodies)
        # Create helix wire body    
        helixBody = CreateHelixBody()
        # Display the helix edges
        group = rootComp.customGraphicsGroups.add()
        for edge in helixBody.edges:

        # Add the temprary bodies to direct modeling design, 
        # then the temprary bodies will be displayed
        #Exports the input bodies to the specified file.
        brepBodies = []
        scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        exportPath = os.path.join(scriptDir, "sampleFile.smt")
        isSuccess = tempBrepMgr.exportToFile(brepBodies, exportPath)
        print(("Is the export to file success? {}").format(isSuccess))
        #Creates new BRepBody objects based on the contents of the specified file
        filePath = os.path.join(scriptDir, "sampleFile.smt")
        newBodies = tempBrepMgr.createFromFile(filePath);

        if ui:
#include <Core/Application/Application.h>
#include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>
#include <Core/Application/Document.h>
#include <Core/Application/Documents.h>
#include <Fusion/Components/Component.h>
#include <Fusion/Fusion/Design.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepBodies.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepBody.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepWires.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepWire.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepFaces.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepFace.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepEdges.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/BRepEdge.h>
#include <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Point3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Vector3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/OrientedBoundingBox3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Plane.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Matrix3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Circle3D.h>
#include <Core/Geometry/Curve3D.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsGroups.h>
#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsGroup.h>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace adsk::fusion;

Ptr<Application> app;
Ptr<UserInterface> ui;

std::string getDllPath();

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateBox()
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> centerPoint = Point3D::create(0.0, 10.0, 0.0);
    Ptr<Vector3D> lengthDir = Vector3D::create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Ptr<Vector3D> widthDir = Vector3D::create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

    Ptr<OrientedBoundingBox3D> orientedBoundingBox3D =
        OrientedBoundingBox3D::create(centerPoint, lengthDir, widthDir, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0);

    // Create box
    Ptr<BRepBody> box = tempBRepMgr->createBox(orientedBoundingBox3D);

    return box;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateCylinderOrCone(double radius1, double radius2)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> point1 = Point3D::create(3.0, 3.0, 3.0);
    Ptr<Point3D> point2 = Point3D::create(-3.0, -3.0, -3.0);

    // Create Cylinder Or Cone
    Ptr<BRepBody> cylinderOrCone = tempBRepMgr->createCylinderOrCone(point1, radius1, point2, radius2);

    return cylinderOrCone;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateEllipticalCylinderOrCone(double majorRadius1, double minorRadius1, double majorRadius2)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> pointOne = Point3D::create(8.0, 3.0, 0.0);
    Ptr<Point3D> pointTwo = Point3D::create(8.0, -3.0, -3.0);
    Ptr<Vector3D> majorAxisDirection = Vector3D::create(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

    // Create EllipticalCylinder Or Cone
    Ptr<BRepBody> ellipicalCylinderOrCone = tempBRepMgr->createEllipticalCylinderOrCone(
        pointOne, majorRadius1, minorRadius1, pointTwo, majorRadius2, majorAxisDirection);
    return ellipicalCylinderOrCone;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateSphere(double radius)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> sphereCenter = Point3D::create(0.0, 8.0, 8.0);
    // Create sphere
    Ptr<BRepBody> sphere = tempBRepMgr->createSphere(sphereCenter, radius);

    return sphere;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateTorus(double majorRadius, double minorRadius)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Vector3D> axis = Vector3D::create(0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
    Ptr<Point3D> torusCenter = Point3D::create(0.0, 2.0, 8.0);

    // Create torus
    Ptr<BRepBody> torus = tempBRepMgr->createTorus(torusCenter, axis, majorRadius, minorRadius);

    return torus;

Ptr<BRepBody> PlaneIntersection(const Ptr<BRepBody>& body)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> planeOrigin = Point3D::create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Ptr<Vector3D> planeNormal = Vector3D::create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    Ptr<Plane> plane = Plane::create(planeOrigin, planeNormal);

    // creates a brep body by the intersection between the input body and plane
    Ptr<BRepBody> intersectionBody = tempBRepMgr->planeIntersection(body, plane);

    return intersectionBody;

bool TransformBody(const Ptr<BRepBody>& body)
    bool isSuccess = false;

    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return isSuccess;

    Ptr<Matrix3D> transform = Matrix3D::create();
    Ptr<Vector3D> translation = Vector3D::create(0.0, 0.0, -5.0);
    isSuccess = transform->translation(translation);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return isSuccess;

    // Transforms the brep body using the specified transformation matrix
    isSuccess = tempBRepMgr->transform(body, transform);
    return isSuccess;

Ptr<BRepWire> GetWireFromBody(const Ptr<BRepBody>& body, size_t index)
    Ptr<BRepWires> brepWires = body->wires();
    if (!brepWires)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<BRepWire> brepWire = brepWires->item(index);

    return brepWire;

bool DeleteFacesOnBody(const Ptr<BRepBody>& body, const std::vector<size_t>& indexes, bool isDeleteSpecifiedFaces)
    bool isSuccess = false;

    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return isSuccess;

    Ptr<BRepFaces> faces = body->faces();
    if (!faces)
        return isSuccess;

    std::vector<Ptr<BRepFace>> brepFaces;
    for each (size_t index in indexes)
        Ptr<BRepFace> face = faces->item(index);
        if (!face)
            return isSuccess;


    // Delete faces on body
    isSuccess = tempBRepMgr->deleteFaces(brepFaces, isDeleteSpecifiedFaces);
    return isSuccess;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateSilhouette(const Ptr<BRepFace>& face)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Vector3D> viewDirection = Vector3D::create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    // Create silhouette body
    Ptr<BRepBody> silhouetteBody = tempBRepMgr->createSilhouetteCurves(face, viewDirection, true);

    return silhouetteBody;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateWireFromCurves(std::vector<Ptr<BRepEdge>>& edgeMap)
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> center = Point3D::create(10.0, 0.0, 5.0);
    Ptr<Vector3D> normal = Vector3D::create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    Ptr<Circle3D> circle1 = Circle3D::createByCenter(center, normal, 3.0);
    Ptr<Circle3D> circle2 = Circle3D::createByCenter(center, normal, 2.0);

    std::vector<Ptr<Curve3D>> curves;

    // Create wire from curves
    Ptr<BRepBody> wireBody = tempBRepMgr->createWireFromCurves(curves, edgeMap);

    return wireBody;

Ptr<BRepBody> CreateHelixBody()
    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return nullptr;

    Ptr<Point3D> axisPoint = Point3D::create(10.0, 10.0, 10.0);
    Ptr<Vector3D> axisVector = Vector3D::create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    Ptr<Point3D> startPoint = Point3D::create(8.0, 2.0, 10.0);
    double pitch = 1.0;
    double turns = 10.0;
    double taperAngle = 0.3;

    // Create helix body
    Ptr<BRepBody> helixBody = tempBRepMgr->createHelixWire(axisPoint, axisVector, startPoint, pitch, turns, taperAngle);
    return helixBody;

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
    app = Application::get();
    if (!app)
        return false;

    ui = app->userInterface();
    if (!ui)
        return false;

    // Create a new document
    Ptr<Documents> docs = app->documents();
    if (!docs)
        return false;

    Ptr<Document> doc = docs->add(DocumentTypes::FusionDesignDocumentType);
    if (!doc)
        return false;

    Ptr<Design> design = app->activeProduct();
    if (!design)
        return false;

    // Set the design is a direct modelling design

    // Get the root component of active design
    Ptr<Component> rootComp = design->rootComponent();
    if (!rootComp)
        return false;

    // Get bodies in root component
    Ptr<BRepBodies> bodies = rootComp->bRepBodies();
    if (!bodies)
        return false;

    // Get TemporaryBRepManager
    Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> tempBRepMgr = TemporaryBRepManager::get();
    if (!tempBRepMgr)
        return false;

    // Create a temporary solid box
    Ptr<BRepBody> box = CreateBox();
    if (!box)
        return false;

    // Check the temporary box property
    bool isTemporary = box->isTemporary();

    // Creates a temporary solid cylinder and cone BRepBody
    Ptr<BRepBody> cylinder = CreateCylinderOrCone(3.0, 3.0);
    if (!cylinder)
        return false;

    Ptr<BRepBody> cone = CreateCylinderOrCone(2.0, 4.0);
    if (!cone)
        return false;

    // Creates a temporary elliptical solid cylinder and cone BrepBody
    Ptr<BRepBody> ellipicalCylinder = CreateEllipticalCylinderOrCone(4.0, 2.0, 4.0);
    if (!ellipicalCylinder)
        return false;

    Ptr<BRepBody> ellipicalCone = CreateEllipticalCylinderOrCone(3.0, 2.0, 4.5);
    if (!ellipicalCone)
        return false;

    // Creates a temporary spherical BRepBody
    Ptr<BRepBody> sphere = CreateSphere(3.0);
    if (!sphere)
        return false;

    // Creates a temporary toroidal BRepBody
    Ptr<BRepBody> torus = CreateTorus(2.0, 1.0);
    if (!torus)
        return false;

    // creates a brep body by the intersection between the input body and plane
    Ptr<BRepBody> intersectionBody = PlaneIntersection(box);
    if (!intersectionBody)
        return false;

    // Creates a temporary copy of the input BRepBody
    Ptr<BRepBody> copiedBody = tempBRepMgr->copy(intersectionBody);
    if (!copiedBody)
        return false;

    // Transforms the brep body using the specified transformation matrix
    bool isSuccess = TransformBody(copiedBody);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return false;

    // Transforms the brep body using the specified transformation matrix
    isSuccess = TransformBody(copiedBody);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return false;

    // Get brep wires
    Ptr<BRepWire> brepWire = GetWireFromBody(intersectionBody, 0);
    if (!brepWire)
        return false;
    Ptr<BRepWire> copiedWire = GetWireFromBody(copiedBody, 0);
    if (!copiedWire)
        return false;

    //  Creates a new body by creating a ruled surface between the two input wire bodies.
    Ptr<BRepBody> surfaceBody = tempBRepMgr->createRuledSurface(brepWire, copiedWire);
    if (!surfaceBody)
        return false;

    // Performs the specified Boolean operation between the two input bodies
    isSuccess = tempBRepMgr->booleanOperation(cylinder, cone, BooleanTypes::IntersectionBooleanType);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return false;

    isSuccess = tempBRepMgr->booleanOperation(ellipicalCylinder, ellipicalCone, BooleanTypes::UnionBooleanType);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return false;

    // Delete face from a temporary BRepBody
    std::vector<size_t> indexes;
    isSuccess = DeleteFacesOnBody(ellipicalCylinder, indexes, true);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return false;

    // Calculates the silhouette curve geometry for a given face as viewed from a given direction.
    Ptr<BRepFaces> faces = torus->faces();
    if (!faces)
        return false;

    Ptr<BRepFace> face = faces->item(0);
    if (!face)
        return false;

    Ptr<BRepBody> silhouetteBody = CreateSilhouette(face);
    if (!silhouetteBody)
        return false;

    // Create wire from curves
    std::vector<Ptr<BRepEdge>> edgeMap;
    Ptr<BRepBody> wireBody = CreateWireFromCurves(edgeMap);
    if (!wireBody)
        return false;

    // Creates a body from multiple wires that all lie within the same plane
    std::vector<Ptr<BRepBody>> wireBodies;
    Ptr<BRepBody> planerBody = tempBRepMgr->createFaceFromPlanarWires(wireBodies);
    if (!planerBody)
        return false;

    // Create helix wire body
    Ptr<BRepBody> helixBody = CreateHelixBody();
    if (!helixBody)
        return false;

    // Display the helix edges
    Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroups> groups = rootComp->customGraphicsGroups();
    if (!groups)
        return false;

    Ptr<CustomGraphicsGroup> group = groups->add();
    if (!group)
        return false;

    Ptr<BRepEdges> edges = helixBody->edges();

    for each (Ptr<BRepEdge> edge in edges)
        Ptr<Curve3D> curve = edge->geometry();
        if (!curve)
            return false;


    // Add the temprary bodies to direct modeling design, then the temprary bodies will be displayed

    // Exports the input bodies to the specified file.
    std::vector<Ptr<BRepBody>> brepBodies;

    std::string dllPath = getDllPath();
    std::string exportPath = dllPath + "/" + "sampleFile.smt";

    isSuccess = tempBRepMgr->exportToFile(brepBodies, exportPath);
    if (!isSuccess)
        return false;

    // Creates new BRepBody objects based on the contents of the specified file
    std::string filePath = dllPath + "/" + "sampleFile.smt";
    Ptr<BRepBodies> newBodies = tempBRepMgr->createFromFile(filePath);
    if (!newBodies)
        return false;

    return true;

#ifdef XI_WIN

#include <windows.h>

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hmodule, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved)
    switch (reason)
    return TRUE;

#endif // XI_WIN

std::string getDllPath()
#if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
    HMODULE hModule = NULL;
    if (!GetModuleHandleExA(
        return "";

    char winTempPath[2048];
    ::GetModuleFileNameA(hModule, winTempPath, 2048);

    std::string strPath = winTempPath;
    size_t stPos = strPath.rfind('\\');
    return strPath.substr(0, stPos);
    Dl_info info;
    dladdr((void*)getDllPath, &info);

    std::string strPath = info.dli_fname;
    int stPos = (int)strPath.rfind('/');
    if (stPos != -1)
        return strPath.substr(0, stPos);
        return "";