TextureMapControl.isValid Property

Parent Object: TextureMapControl
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Materials/TextureMapControl.h>


Indicates if this object is still valid, i.e. hasn't been deleted or some other action done to invalidate the reference.


"textureMapControl_var" is a variable referencing a TextureMapControl object.

# Get the value of the property.
propertyValue = textureMapControl_var.isValid
"textureMapControl_var" is a variable referencing a TextureMapControl object.
#include <Core/Materials/TextureMapControl.h>

// Get the value of the property.
boolean propertyValue = textureMapControl_var->isValid();

Property Value

This is a read only property whose value is a boolean.


Introduced in version March 2022