TimelineGroups.add Method

Parent Object: TimelineGroups
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Fusion/TimelineGroups.h>


Creates a new group within the timeline. The sequential set of items defined by the start and end indices will be included in the group. A group cannot contains another group so none of the items being grouped can be a group of this will fail.


"timelineGroups_var" is a variable referencing a TimelineGroups object.
returnValue = timelineGroups_var.add(startIndex, endIndex)
"timelineGroups_var" is a variable referencing a TimelineGroups object.

#include <Fusion/Fusion/TimelineGroups.h>

returnValue = timelineGroups_var->add(startIndex, endIndex);

Return Value

Type Description
TimelineGroup Returns the created TimelineGroup object or null in the case of failure.


Name Type Description
startIndex integer The index of the first item in the timeline that will be added to the group.
endIndex integer The index of the last item in the timeline that will be added to the group.


Introduced in version August 2014