TriadChanges Enumerator


Defines the different types of edits that can be applied by the user to a triad command input.
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core\CoreTypeDefs.h>


Name Value Description
TriadChangeHorizontalFlip 18 Defines a horizontal (around the around the Y-Z plane) flip of the triad.
TriadChangeUnknown 0 Defines an unknown change.
TriadChangeVerticalFlip 19 Defines a vertical (around the around the X-Z plane) flip of the triad.
TriadChangeXRotation 8 Defines a rotation around the X axis of the triad.
TriadChangeXScale 11 Defines a change in scale along the X axis of the triad.
TriadChangeXTranslation 1 Defines a translation in the X direction of the triad.
TriadChangeXYScale 14 Defines a uniform change in scale along the X and Y axes of the triad.
TriadChangeXYTranslation 4 Defines a translation on the X-Y plane of the triad.
TriadChangeXYZScale 17 Defines a uniform change in scale along the X, Y, and Z axes of the triad.
TriadChangeXYZTranslation 7 Defines a translation in the X, Y, and Z directions of the triad.
TriadChangeXZScale 16 Defines a uniform change in scale along the X and Z axes of the triad.
TriadChangeXZTranslation 6 Defines a translation on the X-Z plane of the triad.
TriadChangeYRotation 9 Defines a rotation around the Y axis of the triad.
TriadChangeYScale 12 Defines a change in scale along the Y axis of the triad.
TriadChangeYTranslation 2 Defines a translation in the Y direction of the triad.
TriadChangeYZScale 15 Defines a uniform change in scale along the Y and Z axes of the triad.
TriadChangeYZTranslation 5 Defines a translation on the Y-Z plane of the triad.
TriadChangeZRotation 10 Defines a rotation around the Z axis of the triad.
TriadChangeZScale 13 Defines a change in scale along the Z axis of the triad.
TriadChangeZTranslation 3 Defines a translation in the Z direction of the triad.


Introduced in version May 2022