TrimFeatureInput.cancel Method

Parent Object: TrimFeatureInput
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/TrimFeatureInput.h>


To determine the possible boundaries and allow you to choose which cells to keep, the trim feature does a partial compute when the input object is created. To do this it starts a trim feature transaction and completes the transaction when you call the add method. If you don't call the add method it leaves Fusion in a bad state and there will be undo problems and it will possibly crash. If you have created a TrimFeatureInput object and don't want to finish the feature creation, you need to call the cancel method on the TrimFeatureInput object to safely abort the current trim feature transaction.


"trimFeatureInput_var" is a variable referencing a TrimFeatureInput object.
returnValue = trimFeatureInput_var.cancel()
"trimFeatureInput_var" is a variable referencing a TrimFeatureInput object.

#include <Fusion/Features/TrimFeatureInput.h>

returnValue = trimFeatureInput_var->cancel();


Introduced in version April 2019