UntrimFeature.redefineLoops Method

Parent Object: UntrimFeature
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/UntrimFeature.h>


Set the loops to be removed.


"untrimFeature_var" is a variable referencing a UntrimFeature object.
returnValue = untrimFeature_var.redefineLoops(loops)
"untrimFeature_var" is a variable referencing a UntrimFeature object.

#include <Fusion/Features/UntrimFeature.h>

returnValue = untrimFeature_var->redefineLoops(loops);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns whether the operation was successful


Name Type Description
loops BRepLoop[] Input the entities that define loops to remove. Only loops that do not have a connected face can be removed (the edges in the loop have a single face) The array can only contain loops from surface bodies, (the isSolid property of the BRepBody returns false).


Introduced in version January 2021