UntrimFeatures.createInputFromFaces Method

Parent Object: UntrimFeatures
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/UntrimFeatures.h>


Creates a UntrimFeatureInput object that defines the input needed to create a untrim feature. Use the input object to define the input to create the desired feature and then use the Add method, passing in the UntrimFeatureInput object.


"untrimFeatures_var" is a variable referencing a UntrimFeatures object.
# Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = untrimFeatures_var.createInputFromFaces(faces, untrimLoopType)

# Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = untrimFeatures_var.createInputFromFaces(faces, untrimLoopType, extensionDistance)
"untrimFeatures_var" is a variable referencing a UntrimFeatures object.

#include <Fusion/Features/UntrimFeatures.h>

// Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = untrimFeatures_var->createInputFromFaces(faces, untrimLoopType);

// Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = untrimFeatures_var->createInputFromFaces(faces, untrimLoopType, extensionDistance);

Return Value

Type Description
UntrimFeatureInput Returns the newly created UntrimFeatureInput object or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
faces BRepFace[] An array of BRepFace objects that will have the loops of the specified type removed. Only loops that do not have a connected face can be removed (the edges in the loop have a single face). The array can only contain faces from surface bodies, (the isSolid property of the BRepBody returns false).
untrimLoopType UntrimLoopTypes The loop type to be untrimmed (AllLoopUntrimType, InternalLoopUntrimType, or ExternalLoopUntrimType).
extensionDistance ValueInput If the untrim loop type is AllLoopUntrimType or ExternalLoopUntrimType the untrimmed faces can be extended by a specified distance.

This is an optional argument whose default value is null.


Name Description
Untrim Feature API Sample Demonstrates creating a new untrim feature.


Introduced in version January 2021