UserInterface.getText Method

Parent Object: UserInterface
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>


Get the localized text for a specific application text string. The strings used by Fusion are stored in localized XML files that are installed with Fusion. On Windows, you can find them here:


And on Mac, you can find them here:

~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/webdeploy/production/VERSION_CODE/Autodesk

There is a folder for each language that Fusion supports, and the strings for that language are defined in files within that folder. Fusion will use the language specified by the user in their preferences.


"userInterface_var" is a variable referencing a UserInterface object.
returnValue = userInterface_var.getText(module, id, defaultValue)
"userInterface_var" is a variable referencing a UserInterface object.

#include <Core/UserInterface/UserInterface.h>

returnValue = userInterface_var->getText(module, id, defaultValue);

Return Value

Type Description
string The localized string or the defaultValue if one is not found.


Name Type Description
module string The module name. This is the same as the StringTable .xml filename without the .xml extension and without the version number. For example, the file NaFusionUI10.xml contains many of the strings used for Fusion's modeling commands. When specifying the module, this is specified as "NaFusionUI".
id string The id of the text. This is the same as the 'commandName' field in the StringTable .xml file.
defaultValue string A default string value to return if the module or string id is not found in the current locale.


Introduced in version March 2021