Wood Routing Workflow Sample


This script demonstrates routing wood panels.

When running the sample, it assumes you have an open design containing one or more "panels" oriented flat in the X-Y plane. The script creates a setup and a 2D contour operation with tabs to route the panels from a standard sheet.

Code Samples

#include <Core/CoreAll.h>
#include <Fusion/FusionAll.h>
#include <Cam/CamAll.h>

using namespace adsk::core;
using namespace adsk::fusion;
using namespace adsk::cam;

// Assumes a model is loaded in Fusion, eg a couple of flat panels

extern "C" XI_EXPORT bool run(const char* context)
    Ptr<Application> app = Application::get();
    Ptr<UserInterface> ui = app->userInterface();

    // use existing doc:
    Ptr<Document> doc = app->activeDocument();

    // switch to manufacturing space
    Ptr<Workspace> camWS = ui->workspaces()->itemById("CAMEnvironment");

    // get the CAM product
    Ptr<Products> products = doc->products();

     * Search a tool in our tool library
    // get the tool libraries from the library manager
    Ptr<CAMManager> camManager = CAMManager::get();
    Ptr<CAMLibraryManager> libraryManager = camManager->libraryManager();
    Ptr<ToolLibraries> toolLibraries = libraryManager->toolLibraries();

    // we can use a library URl directly if we know its address (using Fusion metric sample lib)
    Ptr<URL> toolLibraryUrl = URL::create("systemlibraryroot://Samples/Milling Tools (Metric).json");

    // load tool library
    Ptr<ToolLibrary> toolLibrary = toolLibraries->toolLibraryAtURL(toolLibraryUrl);
    if (!toolLibrary)
        ui->messageBox("Failed to load tool library");
        return false;

    Ptr<Tool> MyTool = nullptr;
    // search an end mill for the contour operation
    for (Ptr<Tool>& tool : toolLibrary)
        // read the tool type
        Ptr<ChoiceParameterValue> toolTypeParameter = tool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_type")->value();
        std::string toolType = toolTypeParameter->value();

        // compare toolType and filter on "flat end mill"
        if (toolType == "flat end mill" && !MyTool)
            // search for tool diameter larger or equal to 10mm but less than 12mm
            Ptr<FloatParameterValue> diameterParameter = tool->parameters()->itemByName("tool_diameter")->value();
            double diameter = diameterParameter->value();
            if (diameter >= 1.0 && diameter < 1.2)
                MyTool = tool;
    if (!MyTool)
        ui->messageBox("No flat end mill tool found");
        return false;

     * create setup
    Ptr<CAM> cam = products->itemByProductType("CAMProductType");
    Ptr<Setups> setups = cam->setups();
    Ptr<SetupInput> setupInput = setups->createInput(OperationTypes::MillingOperation);
    // create a list for the models to add to the setup Input
    std::vector<Ptr<Base>> models;

    // loop across all bRep bodies and add them all to our model list
    int countParts = cam->designRootOccurrence()->bRepBodies()->count();
    int i = 0;
    while (i < countParts)
        Ptr<BRepBody> part = cam->designRootOccurrence()->bRepBodies()->item(i);
        i = i + 1;

    // pass the model list to the setup input
    // create the setup
    Ptr<Setup> setup = setups->add(setupInput);

    // change some properties of the setup & stock
    setup->name("CAM Woodworking Script Sample");
    // set setup origin in the corner
    Ptr<ChoiceParameterValue> wcs_origin_boxPoint = setup->parameters()->itemByName("wcs_origin_boxPoint")->value();
    wcs_origin_boxPoint->value("top 1");
    // set stock size XYZ
    setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockFixedX")->expression("2440 mm");
    setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockFixedY")->expression("1220 mm");
    setup->parameters()->itemByName("job_stockFixedZ")->expression("18 mm");

     * 2D contour operation
    // set operation properties
    Ptr<OperationInput> input = setup->operations()->createInput("contour2d");
    input->displayName("2D Contour");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tolerance")->expression("0.1 mm");

    // add tabs
    // activate tabs group to enable tabs and be able to modify its parameters
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tabWidth")->expression("18 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tabHeight")->expression("18 mm");
    input->parameters()->itemByName("tabDistance")->expression("100 mm");

    // add the operation to the setup
    Ptr<Operation> contourOp = setup->operations()->add(input);

    // add silhouette to contour selection for 2D contour operation
    // requires the operation to exist
    Ptr<CadContours2dParameterValue> cadcontours2dParam = contourOp->parameters()->itemByName("contours")->value();
    Ptr<CurveSelections> chains = cadcontours2dParam->getCurveSelections();
    // calculate and add a new silhouette curve to the geometry selection list

    // calculate operation

     * post process
    // copy-paste from basic milling sample

    return true;
#Assumes a model is loaded in Fusion, eg a couple of flat panels 

import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, adsk.cam, traceback

def run(context):
    ui = None
        app = adsk.core.Application.get()
        ui  = app.userInterface
        # use existing doc:
        doc = app.activeDocument

        # switch to manufacturing space
        camWS = ui.workspaces.itemById('CAMEnvironment') 

        # get the CAM product
        products = doc.products

        #################### Search a tool in our tool library ####################
        # get the tool libraries from the library manager
        camManager = adsk.cam.CAMManager.get()
        libraryManager = camManager.libraryManager
        toolLibraries = libraryManager.toolLibraries

        # we can use a library URl directly if we know its address (using Fusion metric sample lib)
        url = adsk.core.URL.create('systemlibraryroot://Samples/Milling Tools (Metric).json')
        # load tool library
        toolLibrary = toolLibraries.toolLibraryAtURL(url)

        MyTool = None  
        # search an end mill for the contour operation
        for tool in toolLibrary:
            # read the tool type
            toolType = tool.parameters.itemByName('tool_type').value.value 
            # compare toolType and filter on 'flat end mill'
            if toolType == 'flat end mill' and not MyTool:
                # search for tool diameter larger or equal to 10mm but less than 12mm
                diameter = tool.parameters.itemByName('tool_diameter').value.value
                if diameter >= 1.0 and diameter < 1.2: 
                    MyTool = tool

        #################### create setup ####################
        cam = adsk.cam.CAM.cast(products.itemByProductType("CAMProductType"))
        setups = cam.setups
        setupInput = setups.createInput(adsk.cam.OperationTypes.MillingOperation)
        # create a list for the models to add to the setup Input
        models = [] 
        # loop across all bRep bodies and add them all to our model list
        countParts = cam.designRootOccurrence.bRepBodies.count
        i = 0
        while i < countParts:
            part = cam.designRootOccurrence.bRepBodies.item(i)
            i = i + 1
        # pass the model list to the setup input
        setupInput.models = models 
        # create the setup
        setup = setups.add(setupInput) 

        # change some properties of the setup & stock
        setup.name = 'CAM Woodworking Script Sample'  
        setup.stockMode = adsk.cam.SetupStockModes.FixedBoxStock
        # set setup origin in the corner
        setup.parameters.itemByName('wcs_origin_boxPoint').value.value = 'top 1'
        # set stock size XYZ
        setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockFixedX').expression = '2440 mm'
        setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockFixedY').expression = '1220 mm'
        setup.parameters.itemByName('job_stockFixedZ').expression = '18 mm'

        #################### 2D contour operation ####################
        # set operation properties
        input = setup.operations.createInput('contour2d')
        input.tool = MyTool
        input.displayName = '2D Contour'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tolerance').expression = '0.1 mm' 
        # add tabs
        # activate tabs group to enable tabs and be able to modify its parameters
        input.parameters.itemByName('group_tabs').expression = 'true'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tabWidth').expression = '18 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tabHeight').expression = '18 mm'
        input.parameters.itemByName('tabDistance').expression = '100 mm'

        # add the operation to the setup
        contourOp = setup.operations.add(input)
        # add silhouette to contour selection for 2D contour operation
        # requires the operation to exist
        cadcontours2dParam: adsk.cam.CadContours2dParameterValue = contourOp.parameters.itemByName('contours').value
        chains = cadcontours2dParam.getCurveSelections()
        # calculate and add a new silhouette curve to the geometry selection list

        # calculate operation

        #################### post process ####################
        # copy-paste from basic milling sample

        if ui: