Joint reference

The Joint tool positions components and defines their motion relative to one another in Fusion.

Design > Assemble > Joint joint icon

The Joint dialog is split into two tabs: Position and Motion.

Position tab

Select two components and position a joint between them.

Component 1 and Component 2 sections

Select the joint origin mode, faces, edges, and origin snap point for Component 1 and Component 2.

One component moves to the other.


Joint origin mode Example
joint origin - simple icon Simple: Creates a joint origin on a face, edge, or point to position components. simple origin mode
joint origin - between two faces icon Between Two Faces: Creates a joint origin that is centered between two selected faces to position components. between two faces origin mode
joint origin - two edge intersection icon Two Edge Intersection: Creates a joint origin at the extended intersection of two edges to position components. two edge origin mode curvetwo edge origin box

Planes, Edges, and Snap

Select the geometry to define the joint and joint origin.

Option Action
Plane 1 Select a face
Plane 2 Select a second face
Edge 1 Select an edge
Edge 2 Select a non-parallel edge
Snap Select a snap point to place the joint origin

Joint Alignment section

Adjust the angle, offsets, and orientation of the joint to align it.

Angle, Offsets, and Flip

Option Action
Angle Rotate Component 1 around the joint axis
Offset X Offset Component 1 along the X axis
Offset Y Offset Component 1 along the Y axis
Offset Z Offset Component 1 along the Z axis
flip icon Flip Flips the component over the Joint Origin

Motion tab

Specify the joint Type to define the relative motion.


Select the type of joint to create, adjust rotation and translation options to control the relative motion, then animate the joint to preview the motion.

Joint Type Definition Rotation/Translation
rigid joint icon Rigid Locks components together and removes all degrees of freedom. None
revolute joint icon Revolute Rotates a component around the joint origin. Rotate
slider joint icon Slider Slides a component along a single axis. Slide
cylindrical icon Cylindrical Rotates and slides a component on a single axis. Axis
pin-slot joint icon Pin-Slot Rotates and slides a component on two different axes. Rotate and Slide
planar joint icon Planar Rotates a component around one axis normal to a plane and slides it along two axes parallel to the plane. Normal and Slide
ball joint icon Ball Rotates a component around all three axes on a gimbal system (three nested rotations). Pitch, Yaw, and Roll

Rotation and Translation

Option Action
Rotate Select axis to rotate around.
Slide Select axis to move along.
Axis Select axis to rotate around and move along.
Normal Select axis perpendicular to plane.
Pitch Select the lateral axis.
Yaw Select the perpendicular axis.
Roll The longitudinal axis for Roll is determined automatically once Pitch and Yaw are defined.


Preview selected motion by animating Component 1. Click to start and stop the animation.

With All Limits

Check to preview the joint motion with all degrees of motion and limits applied.