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Accessibility Analysis shows you which areas of a part are undercut areas. An undercut area is a recessed surface that is inaccessible when cutting with a standard tool such as a flat end mill.
Example of an undercut area shown in red
Using the Machine Undercuts parameter, you can generate a 3-axis toolpath to machine undercut areas. Lollipop, disc, barrel, or dovetail tools are best suited for 3-axis undercut machining.
Undercut areas machined by a lollipop tool
Using the Machine Undercuts parameter and the options in the Multi-Axis tab, you can generate a 5-axis toolpath to machine undercut areas. When compared to 3-axis machining, you can use a wider range of tools during 5-axis machining, including a ball-nosed tool. Generally, using 5-axis motion when machining undercuts gives you the ability to reach more areas of a part in a single operation, which saves you valuable programming time.
Undercut areas are machined by a ball-nosed tool