Stay-Down Distance reference

Reduce the number of retracts.

Fusion lets you control when you want to keep the tool down by setting Maximum Stay-Down Distance which reduces the number of retracts. This setting is located on the Linking tab.

linking dialog - maximum staydown distance

Maximum Stay-Down Distance

Enabling the Keep Tool Down checkbox and regenerating the toolpath operation shown below, produces the following results.

short staydown distance examplelong staydown distance example

A 2D Pocket toolpath with a "short" and a "longer" stay-down distance

Related: For 2D Contour, 2D Pocket, Trace, and Engrave, you have to activate the Keep Tool Down checkbox to set the Maximum Stay-Down Distance value. Thread, Bore, Circular, Chamfer, Rotary, and Steep and Shallow do not have Keep Tool Down option. For the remaining strategies, Keep Tool Down is always active but you can set stay-down distance to 0 to always force retracts.