Generate a Turning Subspindle Grab operation

  1. On the Manufacture workspace toolbar, click Turning > Part Handling > Subspindle Grab.

    The Subspindle Grab dialog opens.

  2. Set the Feedrate to move the secondary spindle into position.

  3. Set the Feed Plane clearance position in front of the part (shown in orange).

    turning secondary spindle approach

  4. Set the Chuck Plane extended position over the part (shown in green).

  5. Optional steps:

    • To stop the spindle, select Stop Spindle During Chuck.

    • To reduce the spindle speed, reduce the Spindle Speed parameter.

    • To extend the time between steps, adjust the Dwelling Period parameter.

  6. Click OK.

turning secondary spindle chuck

Subspindle extended and chucked.