Render configurations

Learn how to create rendered images of Configurations in the Render workspace in Fusion.

render configurations animation

Render images of a Configuration

  1. In the Browser, activate the Configuration you want to work with.
  2. On the Render toolbar, use the Setup tools to:
    • Apply and edit Appearances.
    • Adjust Scene Settings to control the lighting, environment, and camera.
    • Apply and edit Decals.
    • Adjust texture mapping for appearances on each body and face.
  3. Render an image of the active Configuration in-canvas or in the cloud.
  4. Review and re-render images in the Rendering Gallery.

Activate a different Configuration

  1. Switch to the Render workspace.
  2. In the Browser, expand the list of Configurations.
  3. Select a Configuration.

The Configuration you selected displays in the canvas. The Browser updates to reflect the active Configuration. Any rendered images associated with the active Configuration display in the Rendering Gallery.