On Schematic Design toolbar, select Connect > Add Bus.
In the Add Bus dialog, select drawing options for bend, line style, radius, and miter.
Draw the bus route in the schematic design; double-click to end the drawing.
In the Bus dialog, select a predefined bus, or In Design to configure a new one from available nets in the design.
Check the Alias or short name for the bus, and modify it if desired.
In the lower panels of the dialog, move nets from the Available set to the Included set, or the reverse direction, to specify the nets using the bus. The included nets appear in the Specification field. Click OK when finished.
To connect nets from the bus to pins, at an end of the bus, or anywhere along a horizontal or vertical segment, right-click and select Breakout Bus.
Select whether to route all nets, selected ones, or a single net, then connect to the appropriate pin or pins.