Place component
- On the Schematic Design toolbar, click Place Component
, or on the PCB Design toolbar, click Place > Place Component. The Place Component panel expands, showing the current In Use library.
Note: You can change libraries from the dropdown or use Open Library Manager
to include additional libraries.
- Select the component in the displayed list. Use the filter option to quickly locate components.
- On the Details tab preview the component symbol, footprint, 3D model, and access data sheets.
- On the Attributes tab, select the desired attribute set in the drop-down list.
- To place the component press Enter, double-click, or drag-and-drop the component. In the canvas, the selected component is attached to the cursor.
- To rotate the component before placing it, right-click; for each click the component rotates 90 degrees counterclockwise.
- To mirror the component before placing it, click the middle mouse button; for each click the component mirrors.
- Click where you want to place the component. An instance of the component remains attached to the cursor for you to place another one.
- When finished placing the component, click DONE. Return to the Place Component panel where you can select another component to add.
Power Supply Components
You can set a power supply component to enable overriding the default value when placing it.
In the library, double click the power supply component to edit it.
In the properties, select the "Allow supply value override" option.
power supply override image
The following illustrates the ease of use when this setting is applied.
Placing a power supply
place power supply gif
- In the Place Components panel, in the libraries field, enter Power and select the Power_Symbols library.
- In the canvas, click to place the power supply, connecting it to a net. You can place it separately and connect it later.
- In the Value dialog enter the power supply value and click OK. The option to rename the net segment displays when the net name and power supply value are different.
Editing a power supply
edit power supply gif
- In the canvas, right click the power supply and select Value.
- In the value dialog, modify the power supply value and click OK. The net value updates displaying the new value.