Run CAM Processor

  1. With the circuit board open in the canvas, on the Manufacturing toolbar, click CAM Processor CAM Processor icon.
  2. If you have a job template you want to use, click Load job file load template icon, navigate to and select your job template.
  3. Click Set as Active CAM job.
  4. Inspect the manufacturing output files for their structure and output type. Collapse a section by clicking it's name in the list, such as OBD++ or Gerber.
  5. When you are satisfied with the files, click Process Job at the bottom of the dialog to create a ZIP archive of the manufacturing files.
  6. Select a folder in which to store the archive. The default path is specified in Preferences > Electronics > Directories.

For ODB++ output, the default prefix is CAMOutputs/ODBFiles. A folder is created and the output is placed there. For Gerber output, the default prefix is CAMOutputs/GerberFiles.