Display and modify object properties.
INFO name ..
INFO displays further details about an object's properties on screen, for example wire width, layer number, text size etc. It is also possible to modify properties in this dialog.
Parts, pads, smds, pins and gates can also be selected by their name, which is especially useful if the object is outside the currently shown window area. Note that when selecting a multi-gate part in a schematic by name, you will need to enter the full instance name, consisting of part and gate name.
Selection of attributes can be disabled using the parameter toolbar button Enable Attribute Selection by unchecking the toggle button. The default for this button is checked, to allow selection of device attributes.
Attributes of parts can be selected by entering the concatenation of part name and attribute name, as in R5>VALUE.
The coordinates of a rotated rect are not changeable.
In the design block editing mode the command INFO .dbl will show a dialog that allows modifying description and attributes of the currently edited design block.
Call a specific symbol from a device.
INVOKE orientation
INVOKE part_name gate_name orientation
Mouse keys
Center mirrors the gate.
Right rotates the gate.
Shift+Right reverses the direction of rotating.
See the ADD command for an explanation of Addlevel and Orientation.
INVOKE is used to select a particular gate from a device which is already in use and place it in the schematic (for example a power symbol with Addlevel = Request).
Gates are activated in the following way:
The final mouse click positions the new gate. If an already invoked gate is selected in the dialog, the default button changes to "Show", and a click on it zooms the editor window in on the selected gate, switching to a different sheet if necessary.
If a gate from a device on a different sheet is to be added to the current sheet, the name of the part has to be specified in the INVOKE command. In this case the right column of the popup menu shows the sheet numbers where the already used gates are placed.