U Reference




 Cancels previous commands.




See also REDO, SET, Forward&Back Annotation.

The UNDO command allows you to cancel previously executed commands. This is especially useful if you have deleted things by accident. Multiple UNDO commands cancel the corresponding number of commands until the last EDIT, OPEN or REMOVE command is reached.

The UNDO command buffer uses up memory space. If you are short of it, you can switch off this function with the SET command


 UNDO/REDO is completely integrated within Forward&Back Annotation.

UNDO buffer dialog

The option LIST in the UNDO command opens a dialog that lists the entire contents of the undo buffer. You can navigate through the list of undo/redo steps by click&dragging the list delimiter, or by directly clicking any given step you wish to go back or forward to. If there are several steps between the current delimiter position and the clicked list item, all steps in between will be executed in the proper sequence. Going upward in the list means doing UNDO, going downward results in REDO.

The icon at each list item indicates in which drawing this particular command has been executed. If you confirm this dialog with "OK", the drawing will be left in the condition as selected in the list. If you cancel the dialog, it will be restored to the condition it had before the dialog was opened.

Caution: this is a very powerful tool! By going all the way back in the UNDO list (which can be done with a single mouse click) and executing any new command, the undo buffer will be truncated at that point, and there is no way back! So use this with care!




 Updates library objects.




 UPDATE library_name..;

 UPDATE footprint_name@library_name..;

 UPDATE +@ | -@ [library_name..];

 UPDATE old_library_name = new_library_name;

See also ADD, REPLACE.

The UPDATE command checks the parts in a board or schematic against their respective library objects and automatically updates them if they are different. If UPDATE is invoked from the library editor, the footprints within the loaded library will be updated from the given libraries.

If you activate the UPDATE command without a parameter, a dialog will be presented to select the library from which to update.

If one or more libraries are given, only parts from those libraries will be checked. The library names can be either a plain library name (like "ttl" or "ttl.lbr"), a full file name (like "/home/mydir/myproject/ttl.lbr" or "../lbr/ttl"), or the URN of a downloaded managed library (like "urn:adsk.eagle:library:42").

If a library_name contains blanks, it needs to be enclosed in single quotes.

Update in a board or schematic

If the command is terminated with a ';' but has no parameters, all parts will be checked. If the first parameter is '+@', the names of the given local libraries (or all local libraries, if none is given) will get a '@' character appended, followed by a number. This can be used to make sure the libraries contained in a drawing will not be modified when a part from a newer library with the same name is added to the drawing. Library names that already end with a '@' character followed by a number will not be changed, nor will the names of managed libraries.

If the first parameter is '-@', the '@' character (followed by a number) of the given libraries (or all libraries, if none is given) will be stripped from the library name. This of course only works if there is no local library with that new name already in the drawing.

Note that "UPDATE +@;" followed by "UPDATE -@;" (and vice versa) does not necessarily result in the original set of library names, because the sequence in which the names are processed depends on the sequence in which the libraries are stored in the drawing file.

The libraries stored in a board or schematic drawing are identified by their base name (for example "ttl") and, for managed libraries, by their URN (for example "urn:adsk.eagle:library:462"). In matching the library to be updated with the library to update with, preference is given first to cases where the URN of the two matches (managed libraries) or the name matches and there is no URN (local libraries). If there is no such match, UPDATE falls back to cases where the names match and either of the two libraries has no URN. (Matches are never made between managed libraries with different URNs, even if their names are the same.) If there is more than one potential match, a dialog will be shown to select the library to use. Note that the library names stored in a drawing are handled case-insensitively and that the path of local libraries is not taken into account (except when the path was provided on the command line). It does not matter whether a specific library is currently "in use", although managed libraries will only be used if they have been downloaded. If a library is not found, no update will be performed for that library. An error will only be shown for libraries entered on the command line. No errors will be shown for missing libraries when updating all libraries present in a board or schematic.

Using the UPDATE command in a schematic or board that are connected with active Forward&Back Annotation will act on both the schematic and the board.

At some point, you may need to specify whether gates, pins or pads shall be mapped by their names or their coordinates. This is the case when the respective library objects have been renamed or moved. If too many modifications have been made (for example, if a pin has been both renamed and moved) the automatic update may not be possible. In that case you can either do the library modification in two steps (one for renaming, another for moving), or give the whole library object a different name.

When used with old_library_name = new_library_name (note that there has to be at least one blank before and after the '=' character), the UPDATE command locates the library named old_library_name in the current board or schematic, and updates it with the contents of new_library_name. Note that old_library_name must be the pure library name, without any path, while new_library_name may be a full path name or URN. If the update was performed successfully, the library in the current board/schematic file will also be renamed accordingly - therefore this whole operation is, of course, only possible if new_library_name has not yet been used in the current board or schematic.

Note: You should always run a Design Rule Check (DRC) and an Electrical Rule Check (ERC) after a library update has been performed in a board or a schematic!

Update in a library

The update in a library replaces all footprints within that library with the versions from the given libraries. By specifying the footprint name (footprint_name@library_name) you can have only a specific footprint be replaced.




 Marks a library for use.



 USE -*;

 USE library_name..;

 USE -library_name..;

See also ADD, REPLACE.

The USE command marks a library for later use with the ADD or REPLACE command.

If you activate the USE command without a parameter, a dialog will appear that allows for library management: marking libraries for use, removing them from use, and downloading and updating managed libraries.

The special parameter -* causes all previously marked libraries to be dropped. With -library_name the library library_name will be dropped.

library_name can be the full name of a library or it can contain wildcards. It can also be the URN of a downloaded managed library. If library_name is the name of a directory, all libraries from that directory will be marked.

The suffix .lbr can be omitted.

Note that when adding a device or package to a drawing, the complete library information for that object is copied into the drawing file, so that you don't need the library for changing the drawing later.

Changes in a library have no effect on existing drawings. See the UPDATE command if you want to update parts from modified libraries.

Using Libraries with the Control Panel

Libraries can be easily marked for use in the Control Panel by clicking their activation icon (which changes its color to indicate that this library is being used), or by selecting "Use" from the library's context menu. Through the context menu of the "Libraries" entry in the Control Panel it is also possible to use all of the libraries or none of them.

Used Libraries and Projects

The libraries that are currently in use will be stored in the project file (if a project is currently open).


USE opens the file dialog to choose a library
USE -*; drops all previously marked libraries
USE demo trans*; marks the library demo.lbr and all libraries with names matching trans*.lbr
USE urn:adsk.eagle:library:462; marks the managed library with the URN urn:adsk.eagle:library:462
USE -* /eagle/lbr; first drops all previously marked libraries and then marks all libraries from the directory /eagle/lbr
