Export ODB++ files

  1. With the circuit board open in the canvas, on the Manufacturing toolbar, click Export ODB++ Export ODB++ icon.
  2. In the Export ODB++ Output dialog, specify the:
    • Filename for the output.
    • File type, selecting from .tgz, .zip, or .tar.
    • Location where the files are saved.
  3. Click OK.

Ansys ODB++ Output Requirements

Do not export:


Creating a custom CAMJOB ODB++ template

  1. Use the CAM Processor interface to create a CAMJOB template from any of the default ODB++ templates.
  2. After adjusting it, based on the above guidelines, save it in the FOLDER where the ODB++ output file is saved.
  3. The ODB++ CAMJOB template is then used to generate the ODB++ output, rather than the default template.