Electronics files

Electronics uses the following file types:

Name Type of file
*.brd Layout
*.sch Schematic
*.lbr Library
*.dbl Design Block file
*.ulp User Language Program
*.scr Script file
*.txt Text file (also other suffixes)
*.dru Design Rules
*.ctl Control parameter for the Autorouter
*.pro Autorouter protocol file
*.job Autorouter job
*.b$$ Backup file of .brd afer finishing the Autorouter
*.mdl SPICE model
*.cam CAM Processor job
*.b#x Backup file of BRD (x = 1..9)
*.s#x Backup file of SCH (x = 1..9)
*.l#x Backup file of LBR (x = 1..9)
*.b## Automatic backup file of BRD
*.s## Automatic backup file of SCH
*.l## Automatic backup file of LBR