Add custom keyboard shortcuts that combine electronics commands, similar to the EAGLE ASSIGN command. The Shortcuts are available in both the Schematic and 2D PCB documents, in the Design tab.
As you assign keys to the shortcut, a message will appear if the key combination you enter is reserved by Fusion or if there is a conflict with another shortcut definition.
In the Design tab, click the Shortcuts button , the Shortcuts dialog displays.
Click New and the New Keyboard Shortcut dialog displays.
Enter the command that will be executed by the shortcut.
You can use multiple commands as long as they are separated by a semi-colon. Commands are run in the order in which they appear in the dialog.
Press tab to move to the next field or click into it. Enter the key(s) you want to use for the command. You can combine alphanumeric keys with modifiers such as Shift, Control/Ctrl/ Alt/Option, and Command,
Click OK.