Supported HTML tags

EAGLE supports a subset of the tags used to format HTML pages. This can be used to format the text of several User Language Dialog objects, in the #usage directive or in the description of library objects.

Text is considered to be HTML if the first line contains a tag. If this is not the case, and you want the text to be formatted, you need to enclose the entire text in the <html>...</html> tag.

The following table lists all supported HTML tags and their available attributes:

Tag Description
<html>...</html> An HTML document.
<body>...</body> The body of an HTML document. It understands the following attribute bgcolor (background color), for example bgcolor="yellow" or bgcolor="#0000FF". This attribute works only within a dlgTextView.
<h1>...</h1> A top-level heading.
<h2>...</h2> A sub-level heading.
<h3>...</h3> A sub-sub-level heading.
<p>...</p> A left-aligned paragraph. Adjust the alignment with the align attribute. Possible values are left, right and center.
<center>...</center> A centered paragraph.
<blockquote>...</blockquote> An indented paragraph, useful for quotes.
<ul>...</ul> An unordered list. You can also pass a type argument to define the bullet style. The default is type=disc other types are circle and square.
<ol>...</ol> An ordered list. You can also pass a type argument to define the enumeration label style. The default is type="1", other types are "a" and "A".
<li>...</li> A list item. This tag can only be used within the context of ol or ul.
<pre>...</pre> For larger chunks of code. Whitespaces in the content are preserved. For small bits of code, use the inline-style code.
<a>...</a> An anchor or link. It understands the following attributes: - href - The reference target as in <a href="target.html">...</a>. You can also specify an additional anchor within the specified target document, for example <a href="target.html#123">...</a>. If you want to link to a local file that has a blank in its name, you need to prepend the file name with file:, as in <a href="file:/path with blanks/target.html">...</a>. - name - The anchor name, as in <a name="123">...</a>.
<em>...</em> Emphasized (same as <i>...</i>).
<strong>...</strong> Strong (same as <b>...</b>).
<i>...</i> Italic font style.
<b>...</b> Bold font style.
<u>...</u> Underlined font style.
<big>...</big> A larger font size.
<small>...</small> A smaller font size.
<code>...</code> Indicates Code. (same as <tt>...</tt>.) For larger chunks of code, use the block-tag pre.
<tt>...</tt> Typewriter font style.
<font>...</font> Customizes the font size, family and text color. The tag understands the following attributes: - color - The text color, for example color="red" or color="#FF0000". - size - The logical size of the font. Logical sizes 1 to 7 are supported. The value may either be absolute, for example size=3, or relative like size=-2. In the latter case, the sizes are simply added. - face - The family of the font, for example face=times.
<img...> An image. This tag understands the following attributes: - src - The image name, for example <img src="image.png">. The URL of the image may be external, as in <img src="">. - width - The width of the image. If the image does not fit to the specified size, it will be scaled automatically. - height - The height of the image. - align - Determines where the image is placed. Per default, an image is placed inline, just like a normal character. Specify left or right to place the image at the respective side.
<hr> A horizonal line.
<br> A line break.
<nobr>...</nobr> No break. Prevents word wrap.
<table>...</table> A table definition. The default table is frameless. Specify the boolean attribute border in order to get a frame. Other attributes are: - bgcolor - The background color. - width - The table width. This is either absolute in pixels or relative in percent of the column width, for example width=80%. - border - The width of the table border. The default is 0 (= no border). - cellspacing - Additional space around the table cells. The default is 2. - cellpadding - Additional space around the contents of table cells. Default is 1.
<tr>...</tr> A table row. Can only be used within table. Understands the attribute bgcolor (background color).
<td>...</td> A table data cell. Can only be used within tr. Understands the attributes - bgcolor (background color). - width - The cell width. This is either absolute in pixels or relative in percent of the entire table width, for example width=50%. - colspan - Defines how many columns this cell spans. The default is 1. - rowspan - Defines how many rows this cell spans. The default is 1. - align - Alignment, possible values are left, right and center. The default is left-aligned.
<th>...</th> A table header cell. Like td but defaults to center-alignment and a bold font.
<author>...</author> Marks the author of this text.
<dl>...</dl> A definition list.
<dt>...</dt> A definition tag. Can only be used within dl.
<dd>...</dd> Definition data. Can only be used within dl.

Symbol tags

Tag Meaning
&lt; <
&gt; >
&amp; &
&nbsp; non-breaking space
&auml; ä
&ouml; ö
&uuml; ü
&Auml; Ä
&Ouml; Ö
&Uuml; Ü
&szlig; ß
&copy; ©
&deg; °
&micro; µ
&plusmn; ±
&quot; "