Data members

area UL_AREA
description string
headline string
library string
libraryurn string (see note)
libraryversion int (see note)
locallymodified int (see note)
librarylocallymodified int (see note)
name string (SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH)
urn string (see note)

Loop members

circles() UL_CIRCLE
dimensions() UL_DIMENSION
frames() UL_FRAME
rectangles() UL_RECTANGLE
pins() UL_PIN
polyshapes() UL_POLYSHAPE
texts() UL_TEXT (see note)
wires() UL_WIRE



SYMBOL_NAME_LENGTH max. recommended length of a symbol name (used in formatted output only)


If the UL_SYMBOL is derived from a UL_INSTANCE, the texts() member only loops through the non-detached texts of that instance. The urn contains a unique identifier for this symbol, of the form urn:adsk.eagle:symbol:123/4, where the portion after the / is the version of the symbol. To get the base URN (without version), use urnbase(); to get the version, use urnversion().

The libraryurn and libraryversion are only applicable if this UL_SYMBOL comes from a managed library. If not, libraryurn will be the empty string and libraryversion will be -1.

The locallymodified member will be 0, if this UL_SYMBOL doesn't have local modifications, or 1, if this UL_SYMBOL has local modifications. The librarylocallymodified member will be 0 (if this UL_SYMBOL doesn't come from a locally-modified library) or 1 (if this UL_SYMBOL comes from a locally-modified library).


library(L) {
  L.symbols(S) printf("Sym: %s\n", S.name);