The Home tab is a central location from which you can view and access your data. It is designed for multiple Autodesk products so you will have a consistent way of accessing your work. To set it to open by default whenever you start Fusion, go to Profile > Preferences > General > Show Home tab at startup.
Access the Home tab.
Switch between hubs in Fusion.
Access contextual controls for the switcher.
Open or create projects.
View recent data, projects, My Fusion, and sample files.
My Fusion is your customized shortcuts area; see Start Fusion and the Fusion web client under Find, install, and start Fusion.
Switch between List and Grid View.
Sort the projects.
Enter search terms () and edit filters (
Customize columns (List View only).
Show properties for a selected component.
On the Application bar, click Home .
You may belong to any number of hubs. You may switch which hub you are working in and open a project created in it, or create a new project within that hub.
To the right of the Hub menu, click the More menu to access contextual controls.
You can select the following options:
Click Open to open an existing project or New to create a project within your hub.
By default, the Recent option is selected and the designs you have recently worked on are displayed.
To navigate within projects:
On the left side of the window, click Projects.
This opens a middle panel containing a list of projects that you are a member of.
Browse through the projects until you find the project or component you want to work with.
Above the project browser panel, click List View or Grid View
List View: Shows data in a columned list.
Grid View: Shows thumbnail previews of your data.
In Grid View, click to expand the Sort menu and change sort criteria. You can also click Up Arrow
or Down Arrow
to change sort order.
In List View, click the column heading on the header row above the list of projects to sort the projects.
In both views you can sort your projects by the following properties:
While viewing Recent or Projects, enter text in the Search box to search matching components. The type of data you can search for depends on which page you are viewing.
In Recents, Search will find matching component names.
Click Filter to show options for narrowing search results by:
Date Modified
File Types
Milestone types (only in Recent)
Click Clear filters to clear your selections.
In Projects, you have more control of where and what you want to search for. By default, Fusion looks for files and folders in the current hub.
Use the Search for drop-down menu to change what you search for and where. Fusion will search not just names, but also contents, including referenced components and part numbers.
If you narrow the search to Projects, Fusion will search for any matching project names in the current hub and disable the Current Project and Current Folder options.
At the top right of List View, click Column Settings to open a context menu for customizing column display.
To reorder columns, click and drag their names within Displayed Columns.
To hide a column, place the pointer over it and click X.
To show a column, select it under Available Columns.
In the top right of the window, click Properties to see properties for a selected component.
In the lower right of the window, click Pin to pin the Properties panel.