Automated Modeling reference

This topic consists of best practices, which are a set of guidelines to help you generate good-quality design alternatives using the Automated Modeling tool.

Best Practices - Faces to Connect

The faces you select have a big impact on the generated design alternatives. Following these guidelines can help ensure that you quickly generate good-quality design alternatives:

Video (3:05)

Watch this short video to learn about the best practices when selecting Faces to Connect.

Best Practices - Bodies to Avoid

Specifying Bodies to Avoid is optional and you can generate design alternatives without it. However, in some cases it will be necessary to prevent new geometry from being generated in certain areas of the design.

Video (3:21)

Watch this short video to learn about the best practices when selecting Bodies to Avoid.

Best Practices - Symmetry

Creating symmetrical designs often provides performance and aesthetic advantages. If your setup has a recognizable plane of symmetry, Automated Modeling automatically generates design alternatives that are symmetrical across that plane. The symmetry plane also carries over to the Form contextual environment, so edits you make to one side of the body are automatically applied to the other side.

To ensure you receive symmetrical design alternatives: