
This area of learning content consists of tutorials that walk you through the core Fusion Surface workflows. Using real models you familiarize yourself with the commands in the Surface tab of the Design workspace, and the core workflows.

Model datasets

Each tutorial shows you how to locate and open the required Fusion model dataset. You cannot modify the source files; they are read-only. You will create and work with a personal copy of each tutorial dataset.

Tutorials organization

compare x-displacement Creating a solid body from surface bodies tutorial

In this tutorial, you create a solid shovel from surface bodies, starting from sketch lines and curves, and trimming away unwanted surfaces to reach the final design.
compare x-displacement Modifying a surface body tutorial

In this tutorial, you create complex surfaces from sketch lines and curves, using spline sketches to turn straight edges into curved ones. You roll back the Timeline to change the surface designs, and thereby avoid redoing subsequent work.