Set the lighting, background, and camera in your render
- Select Setup > Scene Settings.
- Environment Library tab
- Current Style Displays the environment style applied
- Library Select a lighting style from the library. Some styles must be downloaded before they are applied.
- Attach Custom Environment Browse to and select a custom style. Supported file types are EXR, HDR, PIC, RGBE, XYZE.
- Control the lighting using the Environment settings. Select the environment style in the Style drop-down. This sets the default exposure and rotation for the lights. Use the sliders to adjust.
- Brightness Controls the intensity of the lights from the Style.
- Position Controls the position and rotation of the lights.
- Background Select Environment to use the environment image or Solid Color to select a color.
- Set the Ground effects.
- Ground Plane Displays a ground plane in the canvas. The plane allows shadows on the ground and reflections if the option is enabled.
- Flatten Ground Enables a "textured" ground plane where the environment image is mapped as a texture.
- Reflections Objects in the canvas are reflected on the ground plane.
- Roughness Available when Reflections is enabled. Controls the sharpness of the reflection.
- Set the Camera settings.
- Camera Set the camera to orthographic or perspective view.
- Focal Length Set the Focal Length by either entering a numeric value or using the slider.
- Exposure Set the camera exposure.
- Depth of Field Enable Depth of Field if needed. Depth of field is only displayed when ray tracing is enabled.
- Select the object for the Center of Focus.
- Set the amount of blur by entering a numeric value or using the slider.
- Aspect Ratio Defines the aspect ration for the Render workspace.
- Select Close when you have the settings configured as desired.