Set the lighting, background, and camera in your render

  1. Select Setup > Scene Settings.
  2. Environment Library tab
    • Current Style Displays the environment style applied
    • Library Select a lighting style from the library. Some styles must be downloaded before they are applied.
    • Attach Custom Environment Browse to and select a custom style. Supported file types are EXR, HDR, PIC, RGBE, XYZE.
  3. Control the lighting using the Environment settings. Select the environment style in the Style drop-down. This sets the default exposure and rotation for the lights. Use the sliders to adjust.
    • Brightness Controls the intensity of the lights from the Style.
    • Position Controls the position and rotation of the lights.
    • Background Select Environment to use the environment image or Solid Color to select a color.
  4. Set the Ground effects.
    • Ground Plane Displays a ground plane in the canvas. The plane allows shadows on the ground and reflections if the option is enabled.
    • Flatten Ground Enables a "textured" ground plane where the environment image is mapped as a texture.
    • Reflections Objects in the canvas are reflected on the ground plane.
    • Roughness Available when Reflections is enabled. Controls the sharpness of the reflection.
  5. Set the Camera settings.
    • Camera Set the camera to orthographic or perspective view.
    • Focal Length Set the Focal Length by either entering a numeric value or using the slider.
    • Exposure Set the camera exposure.
    • Depth of Field Enable Depth of Field if needed. Depth of field is only displayed when ray tracing is enabled.
      1. Select the object for the Center of Focus.
      2. Set the amount of blur by entering a numeric value or using the slider.
    • Aspect Ratio Defines the aspect ration for the Render workspace.
  6. Select Close when you have the settings configured as desired.