Activity 2: Create T-Spline forms using the Sweep and Loft commands
In this activity, you:
- Create a T-Spline form using the Sweep command.
- Create a T-Spline form using the Loft command.
- Basic Training > 03 - Sculpting > 03_Sculpting_Introduction.f3d
- Complete Activity 1: Create a T-Spline box and a T-Spline form using the Revolve command
Hide the previously created Body 2 (1) and turn on the visibility of the sweep sketches.
- In the browser, open the Bodies section and turn of the visibility for Body2 (1).
- Open the Sketches section and turn off the visibility for the Revolve sketch.
- Turn on the visibility for the Sweep Path and Sweep Profile sketches.
Start the Sweep command and select the profile sketch and the path to sweep along.
The Sweep command uses two sketch curves to define a shape. One curve is selected as the Profile which is swept along a Path curve to create the shape.
- In the Design workspace, select Create Form.
- Select Create > Sweep.
- In the canvas, select the Sweep Profile sketch to identify this sketch as the Profile.
- In the Sweep dialog, select Select next to Path.
- Select the Sweep Path sketch to identify this sketch as the Path. The swept T-Spline Form is generated.
In the Sweep dialog, increase the number of faces for the profile to 24 to better match the rounded-square profile. The greater number of faces, the closer the body matches the path.
In the Sweep dialog, change the Orientation from Perpendicular to Parallel, observe how the sweep behavior changes, and then set Orientation back to Perpendicular.
There may be instances where the orientation of the profile as it moves along the path will give you a more desirable result.
Change the sweep distance to 0.5. The Sweep command allows you to alter the amount of the path curve that is used to create the T-Spline form.
- Drag the arrow at the end of the path to alter the sweep distance. In addition to using this arrow, you can set the distance in the Sweep dialog.
- In the dialog, set the distance equal to 0.5. The sweep travels half the length of the selected path.
- Select OK.
- Select Finish Form.
Hide the previously created Body 3 (1) and turn on the visibility of the loft sketches.
- Turn off visibility of Body 3 (1).
- Turn off visibility of the two Sweep sketches.
- Turn on visibility for sketches labeled Loft Centerline, Circle, and Triangle.
Start the Loft command and select three sketch profiles to create a T-Spline form
- Select Create Form.
- Select Create > Loft.
- In the canvas, select the Circular profile.
- In the canvas, select the Triangular profile. This creates a straight lofted shape that transitions between the circle and the triangle.
You can loft between multiple profile shapes.
Change the loft shape by defining a centerline.
By default, the Loft command creates straight transitional surfaces between profiles. To control the direction of the surface between the profiles, you can use a sketch curve as a centerline.
- In the dialog, change the Guide Type to Centerline.
- In the centerline section, select +.
- In the canvas, select the centerline curve.
Increase the number of width faces to 16 to better match the triangular profile.
- In the dialog, set the number of faces for Width to 16.
- Click OK.
- Select Finish Form.
Activity 2 summary
In this activity, you:
- Used the Sweep command to create a T-Spline form.
- Used the Loft command to create a T-Spline form.