Sheet metal rule reference

In the Design workspace, on the Sheet Metal tab, the edit rule and new rule dialog allow for customizing specific sheet metal features.

Design > Sheet Metal > Modify > Sheet Metal Rules sheet metal rules icon> New Rule new rule icon

Design > Sheet Metal > Modify > Sheet Metal Rules sheet metal rules icon > Edit Ruleedit rule icon


Specifies the thickness of the material.


When sheet metal is bent, the external surface stretches while the internal surface compresses. The neutral axis shifts towards the inside of the bend. K-factor is the ratio of the neutral axis offset from the internal bend surface to the material thickness.

Gap value

Specifies the value of the space between a flange miter, rip or seam gap.

Bend conditions

Bend conditions include the bend radius and the relief shape, width, depth, and remnant dimensions.

Bend Radius

Specifies the inside radius of a bend.

relief shape example - round

Relief Shape

Specifies the shape of the relief at the corner of a bend. These images preview the bends reliefs in both folded sheet metal design and flat pattern.

Relief Width

Defines the width of the bend relief.

relief width

Relief Depth

Defines the depth of the bend relief.

relief depth

Relief Remnant

Defines the depth of the bend relief.

relief remnant

2 Bend corner relief type and size

Relief shape

Defines the shape of a 2 bend corner relief. You can see images of various corner relief shapes below. These images preview the bends reliefs in both folded sheet metal design and flat pattern.

Relief size

Defines the size of a 2 bend corner relief. This dimension is measured when the sheet metal body is unfolded.

Relief Placement

Controls the location of relief shape.

3 Bend Intersection

Specifies the relief shape and radius at corners where 3 bends intersect. Note that the 3 bend corner relief shape will only be visible in flat pattern view.

3 bend corner relief folded view

Corner Relief Shape

Relief Radius

Specify the relief radius value to override the sheet metal rule.