Buckling load factor result

The buckling Load Factor (BLF) result is a multiplier of the applied load that causes buckling.

settings dialog - structural buckling study type

Buckling Load Factor

The Buckling Load factor can be interpreted in the following table.

Buckling Load Factor Buckling Prediction Conclusion
BLF>1 Not expected Applied loads are below critical loads.
BLF=1 Expected Applied load is the critical load and buckling will occur.
BLF<1 Expected Applied load is above the critical load and buckling will occur.
-1<BLF<0 Expected in reversed load scenario Applied load is above the critical load magnitude but is in the opposite direction. This type of result could cause buckling in another mode. Investigation to understand if the load is correct and would cause tension should be done.
BLF=-1 Expected in reversed load scenario The applied load is the critical load magnitude but is in the opposite direction. Other modes should be checked to validate buckling will not occur.
BLF<-1 Not expected The applied load is below the critical load and in the opposite direction. Buckling will not occur even in a different Mode.
Note: The buckling mode could be the cause of a negative value. When a negative buckling mode is observed it is best to check the other modes to find the first positive value as shown here:

structural buckling example - positive